Microanatomy of artery

  • Descending aorta
      • bronchial branches
      • oesophageal branches
      • pericardial artery
      • mediastinal artery
      • superior phrenic artery
      • Inferior phrenic artery
      • Lumbar arteries
      • Median Sacral artery
        • left gastric artery
        • Common hepatic artery
          • gastroduodenal artery
            • posterior superior pancreaticoduodenal artery
            • right gastroepiploic artery
            • anterior superior pancreaticoduodenal artery
          • right gastric artery
          • hepatic artery proper
            • right branch
            • left branch
            • intermediate branch
        • splenic artery
          • pancreatic branches
          • left gastroepiploic artery
          • short gastric artery
          • splenic branches
        • inferior pancreaticoduodenal artery
        • jejunal artery
        • ileal artery
        • ileocolic artery
          • anterior caecal
          • posterior caecal
        • right colic artery
        • right flexural artery
        • middle colic artery
        • marginal artery
        • ascending artery
        • left colic artery
        • sigmoid artery
        • superior rectal artery
      • middle suprarenal artery
      • renal artery
      • ovarian artery
      • testicular artery
      • The common iliac arteries
        • The hypogastric artery
          • iliolumbar artery
            • lumbar branch
          • lateral sacral artery
          • Obturator artery
          • superior gluteal artery
          • inferior gluteal artery
          • umbilical artery
          • inferior vesical artery
          • uterine artery
          • vaginal artery
          • middle rectal artery
          • internal pudendal artery
          • inferior epigastric artery
            • pubic branch
            • cremasteric artery
            • deep circumflex iliac artery
            • superficial epigastric artery
            • superficial circumflex iliac artery
            • superficial external pudendal artery
            • deep external pudendal
            • descending genicular artery
            • deep artery of thigh
              • medial circumflex femoral
              • lateral circumflex femoral
              • perforating arteries
              • genicular arteries
                  • anterior tibial recurrent artery
                  • posterior tibial recurrent artery
                  • anterior lateral mallerolar artery
                  • anterior medial malleolar artery
                  • The arteria dorsalis pedis
                    • deep plantar artery
                    • dorsal digital arteries
                    • lateral tarsal artery
                    • medial tarsal artery
                • The posterior tibial artery
                  • medial plantar artery
                  • lateral plantar artery
                • fibular or peroneal artery
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  • en/arterial_tree.txt
  • 2024/09/11 17:25
  • brahmantra