• External carotid artery
    • Course and relations
      • begins in the carotid triangle
        • at the level of upper border of thyroid cartilage
          • opposite the disc between
            • third and fourth cervical vertebra
      • runs upwards and backwards
        • terminates behind mandible
      • slightly curved course
        • anteromedial to ICA in lower part
        • anterolateral to ICA in upper part
        • superficial
          • superficial to ECA artery
            • lies under cover of anterior border of sternocleidomastoid muscle
            • crossed superficially by cervical branch of facial nerve , hypoglossal nerve
            • crossed also by facial nerve and hypoglossal nerve
            • crossed by facial , lingual , and superior thyroid veins
          • deep to ECA - artery
            • wall of pharynx
            • superior laryngeal nerve
            • ascending pharyngeal artery
        • lies deep inside parotid gland
          • superficial to artery
            • retromandibular vein
            • facial nerve
          • deep to artery
            • ICA
            • Structures passing between ICA and ECA
              • Styloglossus
              • stylopharyngeus
              • pharyngeal branch of vagus nerve
            • superior laryngeal nerve
            • superior cervical sympathetic ganglion
    • Branches
      • Anterior
        • Superior thyroid
          • course
          • arises just below greater cornu of hyoid bone
            • runs downwards and forwards parallel to external laryngeal nerve
            • deep to infrahyoid muscles
              • reaches upper pole of lateral lobe of thyroid gland
          • clinically
            • ligation is done near to gland
              • due to relationship with nerve
          • branches
            • superior laryngeal artery
              • pierces thyrohyoid membrane
            • sternocleidomastoid branch
            • cricothyroid branch
      • posterior
        • Occipital
        • Posterior auricular
      • Medial
        • Ascending pharyngeal
      • Terminal
239 Glomus caroticum Carotid body
240 Sinus caroticus Carotid sinus
241 Bifurcatio carotidis Carotid bifurcation
243 A. thyroidea superior Superior thyroid artery
244 R. infrahyoideus Infrahyoid branch
245 R. sternocleidomastoideus Sternocleidomastoid branch
246 A. laryngea superior Superior laryngeal artery
247 R. cricothyroideus Cricothyroid branch
248 R. glandularis anterior Anterior glandular branch
249 R. glandularis posterior Posterior glandular branch
250 R. glandularis lateralis Lateral glandular branch
251 Arteria pharyngea ascendens Ascending pharyngeal artery
252 A. meningea posterior Posterior meningeal artery
253 Rr. pharyngeales Pharyngeal branches
254 A. tympanica inferior Inferior tympanic artery
255 (Truncus linguofacialis) (Linguofacial trunk)
256 Arteria lingualis Lingual artery
257 R. suprahyoideus Suprahyoid branch
258 Rr. dorsales linguae Dorsal lingual branches
259 A. sublingualis Sublingual artery
260 A. profunda linguae Deep lingual artery
261 Arteria facialis Facial artery
262 A. palatina ascendens Ascending palatine artery
263 R. tonsillaris Tonsillar branch
264 A. submentalis Submental artery
265 Rr. glandulares Glandular branches
266 A. labialis inferior Inferior labial branch
267 A. labialis superior Superior labial branch
268 R. septi nasi Nasal septal branch
269 R. lateralis nasi Lateral nasal branch
270 A. angularis Angular artery
271 Arteria occipitalis Occipital artery
272 R. mastoideus Mastoid branch
273 R. auricularis Auricular branch
274 Rr. sternocleidomastoidei Sternocleidomastoid branches
275 Rr. occipitales Occipital branches
276 (R. meningeus) (Meningeal branch)
277 R. descendens Descending branch
278 Arteria auricularis posterior Posterior auricular artery
279 A. stylomastoidea Stylomastoid artery
280 A. tympanica posterior Posterior tympanic artery
281 Rr. mastoidei Mastoid branch
282 (R. stapedius) (Stapedial branch)
283 R. auricularis Auricular branch
284 R. occipitalis Occipital branch
285 R. parotideus Parotid branch
286 Arteria temporalis superficialis Superficial temporal artery
287 R. parotideus Parotid branch
288 A. transversa faciei Transverse facial artery
289 Rr. auriculares anteriores Anterior auricular branches
290 A. zygomaticoorbitalis Zygomatico-orbital artery
291 A. temporalis media Middle temporal artery
292 R. frontalis Frontal branch
293 R. parietalis Parietal branch
294 Arteria maxillaris Maxillary artery
295 A. auricularis profunda Deep auricular artery
296 A. tympanica anterior Anterior tympanic artery
297 A. alveolaris inferior Inferior alveolar artery
298 Rr. dentales Dental branches
299 Rr. peridentales Peridental branches
300 R. mentalis Mental branch
301 R. mylohyoideus Mylohyoid branch
302 A. meningea media Middle meningeal artery
303 R. accessorius Accessory branch
304 R. frontalis Frontal branch
305 R. orbitalis Orbital branch
306 R. parietalis Parietal branch
307 R. petrosus Petrosal branch
308 A. tympanica superior Superior tympanic artery
309 R. anastomoticus lacrimalis Anastomotic branch with lacrimal artery
310 A. pterygomeningea Pterygomeningeal artery
311 A. masseterica Masseteric artery
312 A. temporalis profunda anterior Anterior deep temporal artery
313 A. temporalis profunda posterior Posterior deep temporal artery
314 Rr. pterygoidei Pterygoid branches
315 A. buccalis Buccal artery
316 A. alveolaris superior posterior Posterior superior alveolar artery
317 Rr. dentales Dental branches
318 Rr. peridentales Peridental branches
319 A. infraorbitalis Infra-orbital artery
320 Aa. alveolares superiores anteriores Anterior superior alveolar arteries
321 Rr. dentales Dental branches
322 Rr. peridentales Peridental branches
323 A. canalis pterygoidei Artery of pterygoid canal
324 R. pharyngeus Pharyngeal branch
325 A. palatina descendens Descending palatine artery
326 A. palatina major Greater palatine artery
327 Aa. palatinae minores Lesser palatine arteries
328 R. pharyngeus Pharyngeal branch
329 A. sphenopalatina Sphenopalatine artery
330 Aa. nasales posteriores laterales Posterior lateral nasal arteries
331 Rr. septales posteriores Posterior sseptal branches
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  • en/external_carotid_artery.txt
  • 2023/06/16 13:22
  • brahmantra