

  • samsara
    • transmigration/reincarnation, karmic cycle, or Punarjanman, and cycle of aimless drifting, wandering or mundane existence
    • The liberation from saṃsāra is called Moksha, Nirvāṇa, Mukti, or Kaivalya.
    • Jivanmukti (liberation and freedom in this life)
    • Videhamukti (liberation and freedom in after-life)
    • phenomenal world (Maya).
    • absolute Atman (Self)
    • unchanging immortal reality and bliss called Brahman
    • Anattā (no self) and Śūnyatā (emptiness)
    • bhakti (devotion), karma (work), jñāna (knowledge), or raja (meditation) is self-liberation (moksha) from saṃsāra
    • wheel of existence (Bhavacakra) or six realms or six paths
      • the three benevolent destinies (kuśalagati)
        • the world of gods or celestial beings (deva) ;
        • the world of warlike demigods (asura) ;
        • the world of human beings (manushya) ;
      • unbenevolent destinies (akuśalagati)
        • the world of animals (tiryagyoni) ;
        • the world of hungry ghosts (preta) ;
        • the world of Hell (naraka).
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  • en/samsara.txt
  • 2024/06/19 16:08
  • brahmantra