

  • Axillary artery
    • First part
      • superior thoracic artery
        • passes between two pectoral muscles
    • second part
      • thoracoacromial(acromio-thoracic) artery
        • pectoral branch
          • passes between pectoral muscles and supplies these muscles and breast
        • deltoid branch
          • runs in deltopectoral groove along with cephalic vein
        • acromial branch
          • crosses coracoid process and ends by joining anastomosis over acromion
        • clavicular branch
          • runs supero-medially deep to pectoralis major
      • lateral thoracic artery
    • Third part
      • Subscapular artery
        • runs along lower border of subscapularis
          • terminates near inferior angle of scapula
        • supplies latissimus dorsi and serratus anterior
        • branch
          • circumflex scapular artery
            • passes through upper triangular intermuscular space
            • winds around lateral border of scapula between two slips of teres minor
            • gives a branch to subscapular fossa
            • another branch to infraspinous fossa
      • Anterior circumflex humeral artery
        • passes laterally infront of intertubercular sulcus of humerus
        • anastomosis with posterior circumflex humeral artery
          • arterial circle around surgical neck of humerus
      • Posterior circumflex humeral artery
        • arises at the lower border of subscapularis muscle
        • runs backwards , accompanied by axillary nerve
          • passes through quadrangular intermuscular space
        • supplies shoulder joint , deltoid

axillary-artery-first.jpg axillary-artery-second.jpg axillary-artery-third-low.jpg axillary-artery-third-up.jpg

564 Arteria axillaris Axillary artery
565 Rr. subscapulares Subscapular branches
566 A. thoracica superior Superior thoracic artery
567 A. thoracoacromialis Thoraco-acromial artery
568 R. acromialis Acromial branch
569 Rete acromiale Acromial anastomosis
570 R. clavicularis Clavicular branch
571 R. deltoideus Deltoid branch
572 Rr. pectorales Pectoral branches
573 A. thoracica lateralis Lateral thoracic artery
574 Rr. mammarii laterales Lateral mammary branches
575 A. subscapularis Subscapular artery
576 A. thoracodorsalis Thoracodorsal artery
577 A. circumflexa scapulae Circumflex scapular artery
578 A. circumflexa humeri anterior Anterior circumflex humeral artery
579 A. circumflexa humeri posterior Posterior circumflex humeral artery


This highway mainly arises or is the continuation of the Subclavian highway. The axillary highway is related to important network and communication wires along its path.

These communication wires are very important because they supply the Northeastern and northwest area.

The axillary highway is divided in to 3 parts on the basis of pectoralis minor shed. The highway which is present directly underneath the shed is called 2nd part of highway whereas the highway present immediately before is the 1st part and highway present after is the 3rd part.

So the communication wires are named on the basis of its relation with the 2nd part of highway. If the communication wire is present medial it is called medial cord , if it is present lateral it is called lateral cord and if it is present posterior it is called posterior cord.

  • It's main branches are
  • 1.(superior thoracic artery) - northern thorax highway
  • 2.lateral thoracic artery - East(right) and West (left) thorax highway
  • 3.Acromiothoracic artery - Thoracic peak highway
  • 4.subscapular - sub-goat highway
  • 5. Anterior circumflex humeral - front neck ringroad highway
  • 6. Posterior circumflex humeral - back neck ringroad highway
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  • en/axillary-artery.txt
  • 2024/07/05 15:43
  • brahmantra