

799 Arteria femoralis Femoral artery
800 A. epigastrica superficialis Superficial epigastric artery
801 A. circumflexa ilium superficialis Superficial circumflex iliac artery
802 A. pudenda externa superficialis Superficial external pudendal artery
803 A. pudenda externa profunda Deep external pudendal artery
804 Rr. labiales anteriores Anterior labial branches
805 Rr. scrotales anteriores Anterior scrotal branches
806 Rr. inguinales Inguinal branches
807 A. descendens genus Descending genicular artery
808 R. saphenus Saphenous branch
809 Rr. articulares Articular branches
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  • en/femoral-artery.txt
  • 2023/04/03 16:58
  • brahmantra