


655 Truncus coeliacus Coeliac trunk
656 A. gastrica sinistra Left gastric artery
657 Rr. oesophageales Oesophageal branches
658 A. hepatica communis Common hepatic artery
659 A. gastroduodenalis Gastroduodenal artery
660 (A. supraduodenalis) (Supraduodenal artery)
661 A. pancreaticoduodenalis superior posterior Posterior superior pancreaticoguodenal artery
662 Rr. pancreatici Pancreatic branches
663 Rr. duodenales Duodenal branches
664 Aa. retroduodenales Retroduodenal arteries
665 A. gastroomentalis dextra Right gastro-omental artery; right gastro-epiploic artery
666 Rr. gastrici Gastric branches
667 Rr. omentales Omental branches
668 A. pancreaticoduodenalis superior anterior Anterior superior pancreaticoduodenal artery
669 Rr. pancreatici Pancreatic branches
670 Rr. duodenales Duodenal branches
671 A. gastrica dextra Right gastric artery
672 A. hepatica propria Hepatic artery proper
673 R. dexter Right branch
674 A. cystica Cystic artery
675 A. lobi caudati Artery of caudate lobe
676 A. segmenti anterioris Anterior segmental artery
677 A. segmenti posterioris Posterior segmental artery
678 R. sinister Left branch
679 A. lobi caudati Artery of caudate lobe
680 A. segmenti medialis Medial segmental artery
681 A. segmenti lateralis Lateral segmental artery
682 R. intermedius Intermediate branch
683 A. splenica; a. lienalis Splenic artery
684 Rr. pancreatici Pancreatic branches
685 A. pancreatica dorsalis Dorsal pancreatic artery
686 A. pancreatica inferior Inferior pancreatic artery
687 A. prepancreatica Prepancreatic artery
688 A. pancreatica magna Greater pancreatic artery
689 A. caudae pancreatis Artery to tail of pancreas
690 A. gastroomentalis sinistra Left gastro-omental artery; left gastro-epiploic artery
691 Rr. gastrici Gastric branches
692 Rr. omentales Omental branches
693 Aa. gastricae breves Short gastric arteries
694 Rr. splenici; rr. lienales Splenic branches
695 A. gastrica posterior Posterior gastric artery
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  • en/celiac_trunk.txt
  • 2023/04/03 16:52
  • brahmantra