• External carotid artery
    • Course and relations
      • begins in the carotid triangle
        • at the level of upper border of thyroid cartilage
          • opposite the disc between
            • third and fourth cervical vertebra
      • runs upwards and backwards
        • terminates behind mandible
      • slightly curved course
        • anteromedial to ICA in lower part
        • anterolateral to ICA in upper part
        • superficial
          • superficial to ECA artery
            • lies under cover of anterior border of sternocleidomastoid muscle
            • crossed superficially by cervical branch of facial nerve , hypoglossal nerve
            • crossed also by facial nerve and hypoglossal nerve
            • crossed by facial , lingual , and superior thyroid veins
          • deep to ECA - artery
            • wall of pharynx
            • superior laryngeal nerve
            • ascending pharyngeal artery
        • lies deep inside parotid gland
          • superficial to artery
            • retromandibular vein
            • facial nerve
          • deep to artery
            • ICA
            • Structures passing between ICA and ECA
              • Styloglossus
              • stylopharyngeus
              • pharyngeal branch of vagus nerve
            • superior laryngeal nerve
            • superior cervical sympathetic ganglion
    • Branches
      • Anterior
        • Superior thyroid
          • course
          • arises just below greater cornu of hyoid bone
            • runs downwards and forwards parallel to external laryngeal nerve
            • deep to infrahyoid muscles
              • reaches upper pole of lateral lobe of thyroid gland
          • clinically
            • ligation is done near to gland
              • due to relationship with nerve
          • branches
            • superior laryngeal artery
              • pierces thyrohyoid membrane
            • sternocleidomastoid branch
            • cricothyroid branch
      • posterior
        • Occipital
        • Posterior auricular
      • Medial
        • Ascending pharyngeal
      • Terminal
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  • hi/external_carotid_artery.txt
  • 2023/06/19 09:53
  • brahmantra