
ऊर्ध्व-हनु धमनी (maxillary Artery)


  • Features
    • Larger terminal branch of ECA
  • course
    • Given off behind neck of mandible
  • First / mandibular part
    • Runs horizontally forwards
    • First between neck of mandible and sphenomandibular ligament
    • Below auriculotemporal nerve
    • Along lower border of lateral pterygoid
  • Second part
    • Upwards and forwards
    • Superficial to lower head of lateral pterygoid
  • Third part
    • Passes between two heads of lateral pterygoid
    • Through pterygomaxillary fissure
    • Enter pterygopalatine fossa
    • Branches of first part
      • Deep auricular artery
        • Supplies external acoustic meatus , tympanic membrane and TMJ
      • Anterior tympanic branch
        • Supplies middle ear , medial surface of tympanic membrane
      • Middle meningeal artery
        • Lies between lateral pterygoid and spheno-mandibular ligament
          • Then between 2 roots of auriculotemporal nerve
          • Enters skull through foramen spinosum to reach middle cranial fossa
            • Divides in to a
              • large frontal branch which courses to pterion
              • Smaller parietal branch
      • Accessory meningeal artery
        • Enters cranial cavity
          • Through foramen ovale
            • Supplies Meninges and structures in infratemporal fossa
      • Inferior alveolar artery
        • Runs downwards and forwards medial to ramus of mandible
          • Reaches mandibular foramen
            • Before entering gives a
              • lingual branch to tongue
              • Mylohyoid branch that descends in mylohyoid groove
            • Passing through enters mandibular canal
              • In it runs downward and forwards
                • Mental branch passes through mental foramen
      • mainly muscular branches
        • Masseteric
        • Deep temporal branches ( anterior and posterior )
          • Ascend on lateral aspect of skull deep to temporalis muscle
        • Pterygoid muscles
        • Buccal branch supplies skin of cheek
      • posterior superior alveolar artery
        • Just before maxillary artery enters pterygomaxillary fissure
        • Descends on posterior surface of maxilla
        • Gives branches that enter canals in bone to supply molar and premolar teeth
      • Infraorbital artery
        • Arises just before pterygomaxillary fissure
        • Enters orbit through infraorbital fissure
        • Branches
          • Middle superior alveolar branch- premolar teeth
          • Anterior superior alveolar branch- apertures of maxilla to reach incisor and canine teeth
      • Greater palatine artery
        • Runs downward in greater palatine canal
        • Emerge on posterolateral part of hard palate
        • Through greater foramen
        • Runs forward near lateral margin of palate
        • Incisive canal
      • Pharyngeal branch
        • Runs backwards through canal
          • Inferior aspect of body of sphenoid bone
            • Palatovaginal / pharyngeal canal
        • Supplies part of nasopharynx , auditory tube and sphenoidal air sinus
      • Artery of pterygoid canal
        • Runs backwards
        • Supply pharynx , auditory tube and tympanic cavity
      • Sphenopalatine artery
        • Passes medialy through sphenopalatine foramen
        • Enters cavity of nose
        • Branches
          • Posterolateral nasal branches
            • Lateral wall of nose , paranasal sinus
          • Posteromedial branches
            • Nasal septum
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  • hi/maxillary-artery.txt
  • 2023/06/19 09:50
  • brahmantra