
जिह्वा धमनी (lingual Artery)

  • lingual artery
    • first part
      • in the carotid triangle
      • forms a charecteristic upward loop
        • crossed by hypoglossal nerve
        • permits free movements of hyoid bone
    • second part
      • deep to hyoglossus muscle
        • along upper border of hyoid bone
      • superficial to middle constrictor of pharynx
    • third part
      • arteria profunda linguae or deep lingual artery
      • runs upwards along anterior border of hyoglossus
        • horizontally forwards on undersurface of tongue
          • accompanied by lingual nerve
      • vertical course
        • it lies between
          • genioglossus medially
          • inferior longitudinal muscle of tongue laterally
    • fourth part
      • suprahyoid
      • dorsal lingual
      • sublingual
    • Clinical
      • surgical removal of tongue
        • first part of artery is ligated before it gives any branch to tongue
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  • hi/lingual_artery.txt
  • 2023/06/19 09:51
  • brahmantra