

The skull is a bone structure that forms the head in vertebrates. It supports the structures of the face and provides a protective cavity for the brain.The skull is composed of two parts: the cranium and the mandible.In humans, these two parts are the neurocranium and the viscerocranium (facial skeleton) that includes the mandible as its largest bone. The skull forms the anterior-most portion of the skeleton and is a product of cephalisation—housing the brain, and several sensory structures such as the eyes, ears, nose, and mouth.[3] In humans these sensory structures are part of the facial skeleton.

The skull is made up of a number of fused flat bones, and contains many foramina, fossae, processes, and several cavities or sinuses. In zoology there are openings in the skull called fenestrae.

  • Forehead
  • Occiput
  • Nasion
  • Bregma
  • Lambda
  • Inion
  • Pterion
  • Asterion
  • Gonion
  • Temporal fossa
  • Zygomatic arch
  • Infratemporal fossa
  • Pterygopalatine fossa
  • Pterygomaxillary fissure
  • Fontanelles
  • Anterior fontanelle
  • Posterior fontanelle
  • Sphenoidal fontanelle
  • Mastoid fontanelle
  • Calvaria
  • Vertex
  • External table
  • Diploe
  • Diploic canals
  • Internal table
    • Groove for superior sagittal sinus
    • Granular foveolae
    • Impressions of cerebral gyri
    • Venous grooves
    • Arterial grooves
    • (Sutural bone)
  • Cranial base; basicranium
  • Internal surface of cranial base
    • Petrosphenoidal fissure; sphenopetrosal fissure
    • Petro-occipital fissure
    • Anterior cranial fossa
    • Middle cranial fossa
    • Posterior cranial fossa
    • Clivus
    • Groove for inferior petrosal sinus
  • External surface of cranial base
    • Jugular foramen
    • Foramen lacerum
    • Bony palate
    • Greater palatine canal
    • Greater palatine foramen
    • Lesser palatine foramina
    • Incisive fossa
    • Incisive canals
    • Incisive foramina
    • (Palatine torus)
    • Palatovaginal canal
    • Vomerovaginal canal
    • Vomerorostral canal
  • Lamina interna (Internal table)
  • Lamina externa (External table)
  • Diploe
  • vertex

Fossa cranii anterior (Front Skull floor pit)

Fossa cranii media (middle Skull floor pit)

Fossa cranii posterior (posterior Skull floor pit)

Foramen jugulare (Jugular foramen)


So in the top most land there are dome-shaped houses which house the brain. The floor of the houses has many depressions and elevations, and in those depressions and elevations there is a chair where the master secretor house is present. That house is called the pituitary house, which controls all other endocrine houses by sitting there. The name of the throne is the Turkish saddle, and adjacent to it there are two drainage tanks called the cavernous sinus, which drain the waste from the brain land.

The importance of passages inside this skull land is very important because some passages are small and act like simple tunnels, but there are some special passages that are wet and lined by mucosa, for example the passages leading from the mouth, nose, and ear, which are a type of special gate in the skull land.

ocular tower or oculus is present at the anterior end which are called as orbits. This room is called orbit and inside it the oculus tower is present with a front windows and at the back side there are electric wires and connections which alert the central room whenever and enemy is approaching towards the anatomyland.

Nasal pyramids are the checkpoint gates that allow the passage of air by checking for dangerous substances mixed in the air or atmosphere. The roofs of these pyramids are formed by nasal stones, while some parts of the pyramid are formed by cement.

then comes the ground floor , the roof of this groundfloor is formed by maxilla that is the palatine bone where as the floor is formed by the spongy structure called tongue but the edges are formed by a bone called mandible.

This spongy floor is composed of numerous other structures and this floor leads in to a tunnel through which the broken down particles of food are passed to be broken down in to even smaller components so that we can give it to the smaller citizens (cells).

The throne which is called Turkish saddle is present on the body of a bird named Garuda (pterygoid ) which has two wings greater wing and a lesser wing and two legs called medial leg (medial pterygoid plate ) and lateral leg called lateral pterygoid plate. The legs articulate the maxilla bone and form a fissure which is called inferior orbital fissure or pterygomaxillary fissure.

The back surface(superior surface) of the head of sphenoid articulates with the vomer and forms two canals called as palatovaginal canal , vomerovaginal canal.

The special part is that the wings has holes in them.Greater wing has 4 holes named round hole , egg hole , vein hole , thorn hole.

  • norma basilaris — कपालाधार मानक स्थिति
  • norma frontalis — कपालाग्र मानक स्थिति
  • norma lateralis — पार्श्वकपाल मानकस्थिति
  • norma occipitalis — पश्चकपाल मानक-स्थिति
  • norma verticalis — उदग्र कपाल मानक-स्थिति

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  • en/skull.txt
  • 2024/07/05 15:32
  • brahmantra