

    • Body of mandible
      • Base of mandible
      • (Mandibular symphysis)
      • Mental protuberance
      • Mental tubercle
      • Mental foramen
      • Oblique line
      • Digastric fossa
      • Superior mental spine; superior genial spine
      • Inferior mental spine; inferior genial spine
      • Mylohyoid line
      • (Mandibular torus)
      • Sublinqual fossa
      • Submandibular fossa
      • Alveolar part
        • Alveolar arch
        • Dental alveoli
        • Interalveolar septa
          • Interradicular septa
      • Alveolar yokes
      • Retromolar triangle
      • Retromolar fossa
    • Ramus of mandible
      • Angle of mandible
      • (Masseteric tuberosity)
      • (Pterygoid tuberosity)
      • Mandibular foramen
        • Lingula
      • Mandibular canal
      • Mylohyoid groove
      • Coronoid process
      • Temporal crest
      • Mandibular notch
      • Condylar process
        • Head of mandible
        • Neck of mandible
        • Pterygoid fovea

474 Corpus mandibulae Body of mandible
475 Basis mandibulae Base of mandible
476 (Symphysis mandibulae) (Mandibular symphysis)
477 Protuberantia mentalis Mental protuberance
478 Tuberculum mentale Mental tubercle
479 Foramen mentale Mental foramen
480 Linea obliqua Oblique line
481 Fossa digastrica Digastric fossa
482 Spina mentalis superior; spina geni superior Superior mental spine; superior genial spine
483 Spina mentalis inferior; spina geni inferior Inferior mental spine; inferior genial spine
484 Linea mylohyoidea Mylohyoid line
485 (Torus mandibularis) (Mandibular torus)
486 Fovea sublingualis Sublinqual fossa
487 Fovea submandibularis Submandibular fossa
488 Pars alveolaris Alveolar part
489 Arcus alveolaris Alveolar arch
490 Alveoli dentales Dental alveoli
491 Septa interalveolaria Interalveolar septa
492 Septa interradicularia Interradicular septa
493 Juga alveolaria Alveolar yokes
494 Trigonum retromolare Retromolar triangle
495 Fossa retromolaris Retromolar fossa
496 Ramus mandibulae Ramus of mandible
497 Angulus mandibulae Angle of mandible
498 (Tuberositas masseterica) (Masseteric tuberosity)
499 (Tuberositas pterygoidea) (Pterygoid tuberosity)
500 Foramen mandibulae Mandibular foramen
501 Lingula mandibulae Lingula
502 Canalis mandibulae Mandibular canal
503 Sulcus mylohyoideus Mylohyoid groove
505 Processus coronoideus Coronoid process
506 Crista temporalis Temporal crest
507 Incisura mandibulae Mandibular notch
508 Processus condylaris Condylar process
509 Caput mandibulae; condylus mandibulae Head of mandible
510 Collum mandibulae Neck of mandible
511 Fovea pterygoidea Pterygoid fovea
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  • en/mandible.txt
  • 2023/06/03 17:46
  • brahmantra