• Internal surface
      • Groove for sigmoid sinus
      • Groove for superior sagittal sinus
      • Groove for middle meningeal artery
      • Grooves for arteries
    • External surface
      • Superior temporal line
      • Inferior temporal line
      • Parietal tuber; parietal eminence
    • Occipital border
    • Squamosal border
    • Sagittal border
    • Frontal border
    • Frontal angle
    • Occipital angle
    • Sphenoidal angle
    • Mastoid angle
    • Parietal foramen
146 Facies interna Internal surface
147 Sulcus sinus sigmoidei Groove for sigmoid sinus
148 Sulcus sinus sagittalis superioris Groove for superior sagittal sinus
149 Sulcus arterae meningeae mediae Groove for middle meningeal artery
150 Sulci arteriosi Grooves for arteries
151 Facies externa External surface
152 Linea temporalis superior Superior temporal line
153 Linea temporalis inferior Inferior temporal line
154 Tuber parietale; eminentia parietalis Parietal tuber; parietal eminence
155 Margo occipitalis Occipital border
156 Margo squamosus Squamosal border
157 Margo sagittalis Sagittal border
158 Margo frontalis Frontal border
159 Angulus frontalis Frontal angle
160 Angulus occipitalis Occipital angle
161 Angulus sphenoidalis Sphenoidal angle
162 Angulus mastoideus Mastoid angle
163 Foramen parietale Parietal foramen
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  • en/parietal_bone.txt
  • 2023/06/03 17:07
  • brahmantra