• Based on shape and size
    • Long bone
      • More similar to a body
      • More similar to pillar
      • Shaped like an s
        • Clavicle , collar bone , horizontal bone
      • Shaped like a screw
        • Ulna , screw bone , snake bone
      • Very slender almost like a stick
        • Fibula , stick bone , calf bone
    • Short bones
      • Resembling a curved shape like a boat or moon
        • Scaphoid , lunate , navicular ,
        • hyoid , tongue bone , u bone
        • palatine bone , mouth roof bone
      • Resembling a solid 4 sided structure
        • Trapezium , trapezoid , cuboid
      • Resembling a wedge
        • Cuneiform , wedge bone
      • Resembling a three sided structure
        • Triquetral , vomer
      • Resembling a hook
        • Hamate , hook bone
      • resembling a solid bar
      • phalanges , talus
    • Flat bones
      • Resembling a cup shaped structure
        • Frontal bone , parietal bone , head roof bone , forehead bone
      • Resembling a flat triangular plate like
        • Scapula , shoulder blade
      • Resembling a flat ribbon like
        • Ribs , ribbon bone
      • Resembling a flat sword like structure
        • Sternum , chest blade ,
    • Irregular but resembling a natural shape
      • Resembling a bird
        • Sphenoid , bird bone , bat bone , wing bone
      • Resembling a bike handle
        • Mandible , upper jaw bone , L bone
      • Resembling a chicken head
        • Temporal bone , sound bone ,
      • Resembling a Christmas tree
        • Sacrum , coccyx , tail bone , sacred bone ,
      • Resembling a curved flat and irregular


  • A convex projection from a surface either
    • convex and round
      • Epicondyle
        • Medial epicondyle , lateral epicondyle ,
      • Condyle
        • occipital condyle , medial condyle ,
    • Convex but irregular
      • Either on sides
        • Tubercle
          • articular tubercle , rib tubercle , greater tubercle , lesser tubercle, pubic tubercle , iliac tubercle , adductor tubercle , conoid tubercle, infra glenoid tubercle
        • Tuberosity
          • delotid tuberosity , ischial tuberosity , radial tuberosity , ulnar tuberosity
        • Trochanter
          • greater trochanter , lesser trochanter
      • Or in middle
        • Intertubercular eminence , median eminence
    • Straight but blunt
      • mastoid proces , coracoid process , styloid process , odontoid process , transverse process , spinous process
    • straight and sharp
      • Spine
        • spinous process , spine of scapula , anterior or posterior iliac spine , ischial spine
    • more curved
      • acromion process
    • Promontory
  • A depressed or concave superficies which can either accomodate a small or large part
    • more larger
      • Glenoid cavity , acetabulum ,
      • Fossa
        • pterygopalatine fossa ,mandibular fossa , supraspinous fossa , infraspinous fossa , coronoid fossa , cranial fossa , radial fossa , olecranon fossa
    • More smaller
      • Notch
        • radial notch , sternal notch , suprascapular notch , ulnar notch , trochlear notch , fibular notch
    • more elongated in size
      • Groove
        • radial groove , intertubercular groove , bicipital groove , mylohyoid groove , costal groove , subclavian groove
      • Sulcus
        • Radial sulcus , intertubercular sulcus
  • Edges of superficies either sharp or blunt
  • Crest
    • iliac crest , pubic crest
  • Ridge
    • supracondylar ridge
  • Linea
    • linea aspera , mylohyoid line , trapezoid line
  • Structure or body of bone being divided in to
    • Upper
      • Head of bone / epiphysis
      • Neck / metaphysis
    • Middle
      • Shaft/ diaphysis
    • Lower
      • Lower end
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  • en/bone_nomenclature.txt
  • 2024/07/29 15:07
  • brahmantra