

    • medial end ( Sternal end)
      • Sternal facet
      • Impression for costoclavicular
    • Shaft of clavicle; body of clavicle
      • Subclavian groove; groove for subclavius
      • General
        • curved
          • medial 2/3 Rd
            • convex forwards
            • Rounded
              • 4 surfaces
                • anterior surface
                  • is convex forward
                • posterior surface
                  • is smooth
                • superior surface
                  • is rough
                • inferior surface
                  • Medially
                    • rough oval impression
                  • laterally
                    • subclavian groove
          • lateral 1/3 rd
            • concave forwards
    • lateral end (Acromial end)
      • general features
        • flat
        • surfaces
          • superior surface
            • Subcutaneous
          • inferior surface
            • Elevation called conoid tubercle
            • Ridge called trapezoid ridge
        • borders
          • anterior border
            • concave forward
          • posterior border
            • Convex backwards
      • Peculiar features
        • Acromial facet
        • Tuberosity for coracoclavicular ligament
      • Conoid tubercle
      • Trapezoid line

subclavius-view.jpeg subclavius.jpeg

672 Extremitas sternalis Sternal end
673 Facies articularis sternalis Sternal facet
674 Impressio ligamenti costoclavicularis Impression for costoclavicular
675 Corpus claviculae Shaft of clavicle; body of clavicle
676 Sulcus musculi subclavii Subclavian groove; groove for subclavius
677 Extremitas acromialis Acromial end
678 Facies articularis acromialis Acromial facet
679 Tuberositas ligamenti coracoclavicularis Tuberosity for coracoclavicular ligament
680 Tuberculum conoideum Conoid tubercle
681 Linea trapezoidea Trapezoid line
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  • en/clavicle.txt
  • 2023/09/25 16:04
  • brahmantra