

    • Head
      • Fovea for ligament
    • Neck
    • Greater trochanter
      • Trochanteric fossa
    • Lesser trochanter
    • (Third trochanter)
    • Intertrochanteric line
    • Intertrochanteric crest
    • Quadrate tubercle
    • Shaft of femur; body of femur
      • Linea aspera
        • Lateral lip
        • Medial lip
      • Pectinal line; spiral line
      • Gluteal tuberosity
      • Popliteal surface
      • Medial supracondylar line
      • Lateral supracondylar line
    • Medial condyle
      • Medial epicondyle
      • Adductor tubercle
    • Lateral condyle
      • Lateral epicondyle
    • Groove for popliteus
    • Patellar surface
    • Intercondylar fossa
    • Intercondylar line
859 Caput femoris Head
860 Fovea capitis femoris Fovea for ligament
862 Collum femoris Neck
863 Trochanter major Greater trochanter
864 Fossa trochanterica Trochanteric fossa
865 Trochanter minor Lesser trochanter
866 (Trochanter tertius) (Third trochanter)
867 Linea intertrochanterica Intertrochanteric line
868 Crista intertrochanterica Intertrochanteric crest
869 Tuberculum quadratum Quadrate tubercle
870 Corpus femoris Shaft of femur; body of femur
871 Linea aspera Linea aspera
872 Labium laterale Lateral lip
873 Labium mediale Medial lip
874 Linea pectinea Pectinal line; spiral line
875 Tuberositas glutea Gluteal tuberosity
876 Facies poplitea Popliteal surface
877 Linea supracondylaris medialis Medial supracondylar line
878 Linea supracondylaris lateralis Lateral supracondylar line
879 Condylus medialis Medial condyle
880 Epicondylus medialis Medial epicondyle
881 Tuberculum adductorium Adductor tubercle
882 Condylus lateralis Lateral condyle
883 Epicondylus lateralis Lateral epicondyle
884 Sulcus popliteus Groove for popliteus
885 Facies patellaris Patellar surface
886 Fossa intercondylaris Intercondylar fossa
887 Linea intercondylaris Intercondylar line
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  • en/femur.txt
  • 2023/06/03 18:42
  • brahmantra