

  • ULNA
    • Olecranon
    • Coronoid process
      • Tuberosity of ulna
    • Radial notch
    • Trochlear notch
    • Shaft; body
      • Anterior surface
      • Posterior surface
      • Medial surface
      • Interosseus border
      • Anterior border
      • Posterior border
      • Supinator crest
    • Head
      • Articular circumference
      • Ulnar styloid process
734 Olecranon Olecranon
735 Processus coronoideus Coronoid process
736 Tuberositas ulnae Tuberosity of ulna
737 Incisura radialis Radial notch
738 Incisura trochlearis Trochlear notch
739 Corpus ulnae Shaft; body
740 Facies anterior Anterior surface
741 Facies posterior Posterior surface
742 Facies medialis Medial surface
743 Margo interosseus Interosseus border
744 Margo anterior Anterior border
745 Margo posterior Posterior border
746 Crista musculi supinatoris Supinator crest
747 Caput ulnae Head
748 Circumferentia articularis Articular circumference
749 Processus styloideus ulnae Ulnar styloid process


Imagine a snake with its mouth wide open and it bites on to the statue of the goat , this snake is biting the legs of the goat/satyr statue.

The tail of the snake statue is towards the medial side.

Coming to the mouth of the snake it's upper mouth or fangs part (olecranon process ) and the lower part which is called as coronoid process.

This fangs fit in to the pit of the goat legs and bites in extended position but as it flexes the fangs get dislodged from the olecranon fossa and articulates with the trochlear notch.

Upper part of snake face or mouth has 5 surfaces. Superior surface , anterior surface , medial surface and lateral surface .

The rim of the superior surface or hood provides attachment to articular capsule of elbow joint.

The junction of posterior surface along with the superior surface forms the tip of the elbow ( blind spot of snake head ) . In extended position the blind spot and the two legs of goat lie in a straight line but in flexed position they form an isosceles triangle.

The back of the head of snake /( posterior surface of olecranon process) has a triangular impression and from that impression the posterior border starts.

Coming to the anterior surface that is inside the snake mouth on upper side . Inside the mouth there are 2 ridges which divide the cavity in to 3 areas medial , intermediate and a small lateral area.

Posterior border of the shaft is like the backbone of snake which reaches the tail of snake ( styloid process )

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  • en/ulna.txt
  • 2024/07/05 15:40
  • brahmantra