Regiones membri inferioris | Regions of lower limb | | |
Regio glutealis | Gluteal region | | |
Crena analis; crena ani; crena interglutealis | Intergluteal cleft; natal cleft | | |
Sulcus glutealis | Gluteal fold | | |
Regio coxae | Hip region | | |
Regio femoris | Femoral region | | |
Regio femoris anterior | Anterior region of thigh | | |
Trigonum femoris | Femoral triangle | | |
Regio femoris posterior | Posterior region of thigh | | |
Regio genus | Knee region | | |
Regio genus anterior | Anterior region of knee | | |
Regio genus posterior | Posterior region of knee | | |
Fossa poplitea | Popliteal fossa | | |
Regio cruris | Leg region | | |
Regio cruris anterior | Anterior region of leg | | |
Regio cruris posterior | Posterior region of leg | | |
Regio surae | Sural region | | |
Regio talocruralis anterior | Anterior talocrural region; anterior ankle region | | |
Regio talocruralis posterior | Posterior talocrural region; posterior ankle region | | |
Regio retromalleolaris lateralis | Lateral retromalleolar region | | |
Regio retromalleoaris medialis | Medial retromalleolar region | | |
Regio pedis | Foot region | | |
Regio calcanea | Heel region | | |
Dorsum pedis; regio dorsalis pedis | Dorsum of foot; dorsal region of foot | | |
Planta; regio plantaris | Sole; plantar region | | |
Margo lateralis pedis; margo fibularis pedis | Lateral border of foot; fibular border of foot; peroneal border of foot | | |
Margo medialis pedis; margo tibialis pedis | Medial border of foot; tibial border of foot | | |
Arcus pedis longitudinalis | Longitudinal arch of foot | | |
Pars lateralis | Lateral part | | |
Pars medialis | Medial part | | |
Arcus pedis transversus proximalis | Proximal transverse arch of foot | | |
Arcus pedis transversus distalis | Distal transverse arch of foot | | |
Regio tarsalis | Ankle region | | |
Regio metatarsalis | Metatarsal region | | |
Regiones digitorum pedis | Region of digits of foot; toes | | |
Regio hallucis; regio digiti primi | Region of great toe | | |
Regio digiti secundi | Region of second toe | | |
Regio digiti tertii | Region of third toe | | |
Regio digiti quarti | Region of fourth toe | | |
Regio digiti minimi; regio digiti quinti | Region of little toe; region of fifth toe | | |
Facies plantares digitorum | Plantar surfaces of toes | | |
Facies dorsales digitorum | Dorsal surfaces of toes | | |