• Hip joint
    • Type
      • Ball and socket type
    • Articular surfaces
      • Head of femur
        • Forms more than half a sphere
        • Covered with hyaline cartilage
          • Except at fovea
      • Acetabulum of hip joint
        • Horse shoe shaped
          • Lunate articular surface
          • Covered with cartilage
        • Acetabular notch
        • Acetabular fossa
    • Special features
      • High degree of stability and mobility
      • Strength depends upon
        • Depth of acetabulum
      • Narrowing of mouth by acetabular labrum
      • Tension and strength of ligaments
      • Strength of surrounding muscles
      • Length and obliquity of neck of femur
      • Atmospheric pressure
    • Ligaments
      • names in brief
        • Fibrous capsule
        • Iliofemoral ligament
        • Pubofemoral ligament
        • Ischiofemoral ligament
        • Ligament of head of femur
        • Acetabular labrum
        • Transverse acetabular ligament
      • Names in detail
        • 1. Fibrous capsule
          • Attached
            • Acetabular labrum
            • Transverse acetabular ligament
            • Bone above and behind acetabulum
            • Infront
              • On femur to intertrochanteric line
            • Behind
              • 1cm medial to intertrochanteric crest
            • Pubofemoral ligament and vertical band of iliofemoral ligament
        • 2. Iliofemoral ligament
          • Called as ligament of Bigelow
          • Strongest ligaments
          • Prevents trunk from falling backward in standing posture
        • Shape
          • Inverted Y shape
          • Triangular in shape
          • Apex
            • attached to Lower half of AIIS
          • Base
            • To intertrochanteric line
        • Fibers
          • Upper oblique - thick
          • Middle - thin and weak
          • Lower vertical - thick and strong band
        • Pubofemoral ligament
          • Supports joint
          • Inferomedially
          • Triangular in shape
          • Attached
            • Superiorly to
              • Iliopubic eminence
              • Obturator crest
              • Obturator membrane
            • Inferiorly
              • Merges with anteroinferior part of capsule
              • Lower band of iliofemoral ligament
        • Ischio-femoral ligament
          • Weak
          • Covers joint posteriorly
          • Fibers
            • Twisted
            • Form zona orbicularis
          • Attached
        • Ligament of head of femur
          • Synonym
            • Round ligament, ligamentum teres
          • Shape
            • Flat , triangular
          • Attachment
            • Apex to fovea capitis
            • Base to transverse ligament and to margins of acetabular notch
            • Thin , even absent
          • Transmits
            • Arteries to head of femur
              • from acetabular branches of obturator and medial circumflex femoral arteries
        • Acetabular labrum
          • Fibrocartilaginous rim
            • Margins of acetabulum
              • Helps in holding femur in position
        • Transverse ligament
          • Part of acetabular labrum
            • Bridges acetabular notch
              • Converted to a foramen
                • Acetabular vessel and nerves
    • Relations
      • Anterior
      • Posterior
      • Superior
      • Inferior
    • Blood supply
      • Obturator artery
      • Two circumflex femoral
        • Arterial circle around capsular attachment
      • Two gluteal
    • Nerve supply
      • Femoral nerve
        • Through nerve to rectus Femoris
      • Anterior division of obturator nerve
      • Nerve to quadratus Femoris
      • Superior gluteal nerve
    • Movements


Type Synovial ball and socket; multiaxial
Articular surfaces Head of femur, lunate surface of acetabulum
Ligaments Capsular: iliofemoral, pubofemoral, ischiofemoral
Intracapsular: transverse ligament of the acetabulum, ligament of the head of the femur Intracapsular: transverse ligament of the acetabulum, ligament of the head of the femur
Innervation Femoral nerve, obturator nerve, superior gluteal nerve, nerve to quadratus femoris
Blood supply Medial and lateral circumflex femoral arteries, obturator artery, superior and inferior gluteal arteries
Movements Flexion, extension, abduction, adduction, external rotation, internal rotation and circumduction

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  • en/hip-joint.txt
  • 2023/06/21 10:32
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