• Knee joint
    • Features
      • Largest and most complex joint
      • 3 joints in to one
    • Parts of joints
      • Lateral femorotibial
      • Medial femoro tibial
      • Femoro patellar joint
    • Type
      • Condylar ( synovial )
      • Two condylar joints between
      • One saddle joint
    • Articular surfaces
      • Condyles of femur
      • Patella
      • Condyles of tibia
      • Femoral condyles articulates with
        • tibial condyles below and behind
        • Front
          • Patella
    • Ligaments
      • Names in brief
        • Fibrous capsule
        • Ligamentum patellae
        • Tibial collateral. or medial ligament
        • Fibular collateral or lateral ligament
        • Oblique popliteal ligament
        • Arcuate popliteal ligament
        • Anterior cruciate ligament
        • Posterior cruciate ligament
        • Medial meniscus
        • Lateral meniscus
        • Transverse liganent
      • Names in detail
        • Fibrous or articular capsule
          • Femoral attachment
            • 1 cm beyond articular margins
            • 3 special features
            • Anteriorly
              • It is deficient
            • Posteriorly
              • Intercondylar line
            • Laterally
              • Enclose origin of popliteus
          • Tibial attachment
            • Anteriorly
              • Descends along margins of condyles
                • To tibial tuberosity
            • Posteriorly
              • Attached to intercondylar ridge
                • Limits attachment of posterior cruciate ligament
              • Posterolaterally
                • Gap behind lateral condyle for passage of tendon of popliteus
          • Coronary ligament
            • Part of Fibrous capsule
              • Between menisci and tibia
          • Short lateral ligament
            • Thickening of capsule
            • Deep to fibular collateral ligament
              • Extends from lateral epicondyle of femur
                • Blends with tendon of popliteus to the medial border of Apex of fibula
          • Capsular ligament
            • Weak
            • Strengthened anteriorly by medial and lateral patellar retinacula
              • Which are Extensions from vastus medialis and lateralis
          • Openings
            • Two gaps
              • One leading to supraptellar bursa
              • For exit of tendon of popliteus
        • Ligamentum patellae
          • Long band of great strength
          • Attached
          • Superiorly
            • To medial epicondyle of femur
              • Just below adductor tubercle
          • Inferiorly
            • Divides in to anterior and posterior parts
              • Anterior part or superificial part.
                • 10 cm long and 1.25 cm broad
                • Separated from capsule by 2 or more bursa
                • Attached
                  • below to medial border and posterior part of
                    • Medial surface of shaft of tibia
                • Covers inferior medial geniculate vessels and nerve
                • Covers anterior part of tendon of semimembranosus
                • Crossed by tendons of sartorius , gracilis and semitendinosus
              • Posterior or deep part
                • Short
                • Blends with capsule and with medial meniscus
                • Attached
                  • To medial condyle of tibia above the groove for semitendinosus
        • Fibular collateral or lateral ligament
          • Ligament is strong and cord like
          • Superiorly
            • Attached to lateral epicondyle of femur just above popliteal groove
          • Inferiorly
            • Attached to
              • Head of fibula infront of its Apex
              • Embraced by tendon of biceps Femoris
          • Separated from
            • Lateral meniscus
              • By tendon of popliteus
            • Inferior lateral genixular vessels and nerves seprate it from capsule
        • Oblique popliteal ligament
          • Expansion from tendon of semimembranosus
          • Runs upward and laterally
            • Blends with posterior surface of capsule
          • Attached to
            • intercondylar line
            • lateral condyle of femur
          • Related to
            • Popliteal artery
          • Pierced by
            • Middle genicular vessels and nerve
            • Terminal division of posterior division of obturator nerve
        • Arcuate popliteal ligament
          • Posterior expansion from short lateral ligament
          • Extends backwards from head of fibula
          • Arches over tendon of popliteus
        • Cruciate ligaments
          • Anterior cruciate ligament
            • Begins
              • Anterior part of intercondylar area of tibia
            • Ends
              • Posterior part of medial surface of llateral condyle of femur
          • Posteriro curicate ligament
            • Begins
              • Posterior part of intercondylar area of tibia
            • Ends at
              • Anterior part of lateral surface of medial condyle of femur
        • Menisci or semilunar cartilage
          • Fibrocartilaginous disc
          • Shaped like crescent
          • Divide articular cavity in
            • Upper compartment
            • Lower compartment
          • Parts
            • Two ends
              • Anterior end called as anterior horn
                • Medial meniscus Posterior fibres are continuous with transverse ligament
              • Posterior end called as posterior horn
                • Lateral meniscus
                  • Posterior end attached to medial condyle of femur through two meniscofemorsl ligaments
            • Two borders
              • Outer border is thick , convex and close to fibrous capsule
              • Inner border is thin , concave and free
            • Two surfaces
              • Upper surface
                • Concave
                • Articulates with femur
              • Lower surface
                • Flat
                • Rests on peripheral two thirds of tibial condyle
                • Peripheral thick part is vascular
                • Inner part is avascular and nourished by synovial fluid
          • Medial meniscus
            • Nearly semicircular
          • Lateral meniscus
            • Nearly circular
        • Transverse ligament
          • Connects
            • Medial and lateral menisci anterior ends
    • Bursae
      • Anterior
        • Patellar bursa
          • Subcutaneous
            • prepatellar bursa
            • Infrapatellsr bursa
          • Deep
            • Infrapatellar
          • Supraptellar bursa
        • Lateral
          • Deep to
            • lateral head of gastrocnemius
          • Between
            • Fibular collateral and tenon of popliteus
            • Fibular collateral and biceps Femoris
            • Tendon of popliteus and lateral condyle of tibia
      • Medial
        • Deep
          • To medial head of gastrocnemius
          • To Tibial collateral liagemt
          • To semimembranosus
        • Anserine bursa
    • Relations
      • Anteriorly
        • Anterior bursa , ligamentum patellae
      • Posteriorly
        • To middle
        • Posterolaterally
          • Lateral head of gastrocnemius , plantaris , peroneal nerve
        • Posteromedially
Type Tibiofemoral joint: Synovial hinge joint; uniaxial
Patellofemoral joint: Plane joint
Articular surfaces Tibiofemoral joint: lateral and medial condyles of femur, tibial plateaus
Patellofemoral joint: patellar surface of femur, posterior surface of patella
Ligaments and Menisci Extracapsular ligaments: patellar ligament, medial and lateral patellar retinacula, tibial (medial) collateral ligament, fibular (lateral) collateral ligament, oblique popliteal ligament, arcuate popliteal ligament, anterolateral ligament (ALL)
Intracapsular ligaments: anterior cruciate ligament (ACL), posterior cruciate ligament (PCL), medial meniscus, lateral meniscus
Innervation Femoral nerve (nerve to vastus medialis, saphenous nerve) tibial and common fibular (peroneal) nerves, posterior division of the obturator nerve
Blood supply Genicular branches of lateral circumflex femoral artery, femoral artery, posterior tibial artery, anterior tibial artery and popliteal artery
Movements Extension, flexion, medial rotation, lateral rotation
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  • en/knee-joint.txt
  • 2023/06/21 10:49
  • brahmantra