• The Existings of several things; whether ‖ both together in the same time: or whether in diverse times, so that one is before or after the other.
        • SIMULTANEOUS, of the same time, Synchronism▪ contemporary, compatible, consist, together, concomitant.
        • DISTANT,
          • PRECEDING, antecedent, former, foregoing, previ∣ous, Priority, before, take place, get the start, Predeces∣sor, premise.
          • SVCCEEDING, latter, Posteriority, succedaneous, hinder, follow, go after, Successor.
      • The Considerations of the same thing at several times; whether
        • Past; ‖ little: or much.
          • NEWNESS, Renovation, innovate, renew, anew, Neoteric, Neo∣phyte, novel, Novice, Puny, modern, fresh, upstart, green, late, last, a little while ago.
          • OLDNESS, ancient, Antiquity, pristin, senior, stale, inveterate, of long standing, yore, obsolete, out of date, a long while ago.
        • Future; ‖ little: or much
          • SOONNESS, sudden, early, rath, betimes, forthwith, shortly, pre∣sently, eftsoon, quickly, in a trice, out of hand, imminent, immedi∣ate, incontinent, instant, ready, anticipate, accelerate, put on, rid way, in the turning of a hand, twinckling of an eye, timely, spee∣dily, in hast, after a little time.
          • LATENESS, tardy, last, adjourn, defer, delay, put off, out of date, di∣latory, procrastinate, prolong, prorogue, protract, respite, retard, after a long while, far in the day.
      • Particular;
        • Determinate; expressing ‖ at what time a thing was: or from whence it is to be reckoned.
          • DATE.
          • EPOCHA, Hegira.
        • Indeterminate; expressing only the
          • Continuing of it; ‖ a great: or little time.
            • PERMANENCY, lasting, abiding, continuing, durable, stay, remain, persevere, enduring, incessant, indelible, perennial, tedious, hold out, of standing.
            • TRANSITORINESS, fading, flitting, frail, glance, transient, temporary, short, for a spirt, for a little while, quickly gone.
          • Recurring of it; ‖ many: or few times.
            • FREQUENCY, often, ever and anon, thick, rife, common, recourse, resort.
            • SELDOMNESS, rare, scarce, strange, unusual, thin, desuetude.
      • Vniversal;
        • Collective; when a thing continues ‖ throughout the whole time: or only some intermediate parts of it.
          • PERPETUITY, continual, incessant, still, at all times, alwayes.
          • AT TIMES, temporary, by snatches, by fits, bout, ever and anon, now and then, respit, sometimes.
        • Distributive; when a thing exists ‖ in every part of time: or not in any part of it.
          • EVERNESS, Eternity, endless, for ever and ever, always.
          • NEVERNESS.
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