• Less principal; of the
        • Mouth and Thorax; by the forcible ‖ emission, or attraction of Breath.
          • BLOWING, puffing, blast.
          • SVCTION, supping▪ sip, soop, drawing, emulgent, snuff up.
        • Diaphragm or Stomach; agitated by a convulsive Motion ‖ upwards, or downwards.
          • SOBBING.
          • HICCOUGH, Yex.
        • Iaws; by a
          • Repeated Motion in the ‖ first, or second preparation of Food.
            • MASTICATION, chewing, champ, gnawing, browzing, mumble.
            • RUMINATION, chewing the cud.
          • Single Motion; to which may be annexed that Motion of the musculous parts of the body, caused by some flatulent vapours.
            • YAWNING, gape, Oscitation, gasp.
            • PANDICULATION, retching, stretching.
        • Tongue, or Throat.
          • LICKING, lap, slap.
          • SWALLOWING, gulp, ingurgitate, devour, pouch, gobble.
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  • en/muscular_actions.txt
  • 2024/04/17 09:03
  • brahmantra