

  • axilla
    • boundaries
      • apex/cervicoaxillary canal
        • directed upwards and medially towards root of neck
        • truncated and corresponds to a triangular interval
          • anteriorly by posterior surface of clavicle
          • posteriorly by
            • superior border of of scapula
            • medial aspect of coracoid process
          • medially
            • outer border of 1st rib
        • this oblique passage is called as
          • cervico axillary canal
      • base or floor
        • directed downwards
        • formed by
          • skin , superficial and axillary fascia
        • convex upwards
          • with concavity of axilla
      • walls
        • anterior wall
          • pectoralis major infront
          • clavipectoral fascia
          • pectoralis minor
        • posterior wall
          • subscapularis
          • teres major
          • latissimus dorsi below
        • medial wall
          • upper 4 ribs and their intercostal muscles
          • upper part of serratus anterior muscle
        • lateral wall
          • upper part of shaft of humerus
            • in region of bicipital groove
          • coracobrachialis
          • short head of biceps
    • layout
      • axillary artery and brachial plexis
        • run from apex to base
    • introduction
      • base
        • four walls
          • anterior wall
          • posterior wall
          • medial wall
          • lateral wall
    • contents
      • axillary artery and its branches
      • axillary vein and its tributaries
      • infraclavicular part of brachial plexus
      • five groups of axillary lymph nodes
      • long thoracic and intercostobranchial nerves
      • axillary fat and areolar tissue
    • PARTS
      • first part
        • relations
          • anterior
            • skin
            • superficial fascia
            • deep fascia
            • clavicular part of pectoralis major
            • clavipectoral fascia and its piercing structures
            • loop of communication between lateral and medial pectoral nerves
          • posterior
            • first intercostal space with external intercostal muscle
            • first and second digitations of serratus anterior
            • medial cord of brachial plexus with its medial pectoral branch
          • lateral
            • lateral and posterior cords
          • medial
            • axillary vein
      • second part
        • relations
          • anterior
            • skin
            • superficial fascia
            • deep fascia
            • pectoralis minor
            • pectoralis major
          • posterior
            • posterior cord of brachial plexus
            • subscapularis
          • lateral
            • lateral cord of brachial plexus
            • coracobrachialis
          • medial
            • medial cord of brachial plexus
            • medial pectoral nerve
            • axillary vein
      • third part
        • anterior
          • skin
          • superficial fascia
          • deep fascia
          • upper part
            • pectoralis major and medial root of median nerve
        • posterior
          • radial nerve
          • axillary nerve
          • subscapularis in upper part
          • lower part
            • tendons of latissimus dorsi and teres major
        • lateral
          • coracobrachialis
          • musculocutaneous nerve
          • lateral root of median nerve
        • medial
          • axillary vein
          • medial cutaneous nerve of forearm ,ulnar nerve
          • axillary artery and axillary vein
          • medial cutaneous nerve of arm

axilla-boundaries.jpg axilla-contents.jpg axilla-incision.jpg axilla-lymphnodes.jpg axilla-sectionschematic.jpg axilla-walls.jpg

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  • en/axilla.txt
  • 2023/07/04 12:17
  • brahmantra