
स्वरयंत्र Larynx

    • Synonyms
      • Voice box , upper windpipe ,
    • Function
      • Voice , phonation , vowels , consonants , speech , word ,
      • Language is called as index of intellect
    • Situation and extent
      • From root of tongue to trachea
      • Lies from C3 to C6 vertebra
    • Size
      • 44mm in males , 36 mm in females
    • Constitution of larynx
      • Laryngeal walls
        • Cartilages
          • Unpaired
            • Thyroid ( shield like )
            • Cricoid ( ring like )
            • Epiglottis ( leaf like )
          • Paired
            • Arytenoid ( cup shaped )
            • Corniculate ( horn shaped )
            • Cuneiform( wedge shaped )
        • Connecting membranes and ligaments
          • extrinsic
            • thyrohyoid membrane
              • connects thyroid cartilage to hyoid bone
              • pierced by
                • internal laryngeal nerve
                • superior laryngeal vessels
            • hyoepiglottic ligament
              • connects upper end of epiglottic cartilage to hyoid bone
            • cricotracheal ligament
              • connects cricoid cartilage to upper end of trachea
          • Intrinsic
            • fibroelastic membrane of larynx
              • membrane is placed outside mucous membrane
              • interrupted on each side by sinus of larynx
                • part of membrane above sinus
                  • quadrate membrane
                    • extends from arytenoid cartilage to epiglottis
                    • lower free border forms vestibular fold
                    • upper free border forms aryepiglottic fold
                • part below is called
                  • conus elasticus or cricovocal membrane
                    • extends upwards and medially from arch of cricoid cartilage
                      • anterior part is thick - cricothyroid ligament
                      • upper free border forms - vocal folds
    • Laryngeal cartilages and joints
      • Laryngeal prominence
      • Lamina
      • Superior thyroid notch
      • Inferior thyroid notch
      • Superior thyroid tubercle
      • Inferior thyroid tubercle
      • Oblique line
      • Superior horn
      • Inferior horn
      • (Thyroid foramen)
      • Thyrohyoid membrane
        • Median thyrohyoid ligament
        • Retrohyoid bursa
        • Infrahyoid bursa
        • Lateral thyrohyoid ligament
        • Triticeal cartilage
      • Arch of cricoid cartilage
      • Lamina of cricoid cartilage
        • Arytenoid articular surface
        • Thyroid articular surface
      • Cricothyroid joint
        • Capsule of cricothyroid joint
        • Ceratocricoid ligament
        • Median cricothyroid ligament
        • Cricotracheal ligament
      • Articular surface
      • Base of arytenoid cartilage
      • Anterolateral surface
      • Vocal process
        • Arcuate crest
        • Colliculus
        • Oblong fovea
        • Triangular fovea
      • Medial surface
      • Posterior surface
        • Apex of arytenoid cartilage
        • Muscular process
      • Crico-arytenoid joint
        • Capsule of crico-arytenoid joint
        • Crico-arytenoid ligament
        • Cricopharyngeal ligament
    • (Sesamoid cartilage)
    • Corniculate cartilage Santorini
    • Corniculate tubercle
    • Cuneiform cartilage Wrisbergi
      • Cuneiform tubercle
      • Epiglottic cartilage
      • Stalk of epiglottis
      • Epiglottic tubercle
      • Thyro-epiglottic ligament
      • Hyo-epiglottic ligament
      • Pre-epiglottic fat body
      • Cricothyroid
        • Straight part
        • Oblique part
      • Posterior crico-arytenoid
      • (Ceratocricoid)
      • Lateral crico-arytenoid
      • Vocalis
      • Thyro-arytenoid
        • Thyro-epiglottic part
      • Oblique arytenoid
        • Ary-epiglottic part
      • Transverse arytenoid
      • Laryngeal inlet
        • Ary-epiglottic fold
          • Corniculate tubercle
          • Cuneiform tubercle
        • Interarytenoid notch
      • Laryngeal vestibule
      • Vestibular fold
      • Rima vestibuli
      • Laryngeal ventricle Morgagni
        • Laryngeal saccule
      • Glottis
      • Vocal fold
      • Rima glottidis
        • Intermembranous part
        • Intercartilaginous part
        • Interarytenoid part
      • Infraglottic cavity
      • Mucosa; mucous membrane
        • Laryngeal glands
      • Fibro-elastic membrane of larynx
        • Quadrangular membrane
          • Vestibular ligament
        • Conus elasticus; cricovocal membrane
        • Vocal ligament
Arytenoid दर्वीकल्पिका
Cricoarytenoid मुद्रिका दर्वीकल्पिका
cricoarytenoid l. — मुद्रिका-दर्विका स्नायु
Cricoid cartilage
Cricothyroid मुद्रिकावटुकी (तिर्यक एवं सरल भाग)
cricothyroid l. — मुद्रिकावटु स्नायु
cricotracheal l. — मुद्रिकाश्वासनली स्नायु
internal laryngeal n. (nervus laryngea interna) आभ्यंतर स्वरयंत्र तंत्रिका
Laryngeal inlet
oblique arytenoid दर्वीकल्पिका
Piriform Fossa तुम्बी रूप
Recurrent laryngeal nerve 1- पुनरावर्ती 2- प्रत्यावर्ती
Rima glottides कंठ रेखाछिद्र
thyroarytenoid अवटु दर्वीकल्पिका
Thyrohyoid membrane
Thyroid cartilage
transverse arytenoid अनुप्रस्थ दर्वीकल्पिका
True vocal cords स्वर रज्जु
Vocal cords स्वर रज्जु
Vocal folds
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  • hi/larynx.txt
  • 2023/06/19 09:18
  • brahmantra