

  • Epiglottis
    • shape
      • leaf shaped
      • upper end
        • broad and free
        • projects upwards behind the hyoid bone and tongue
      • lower end or thyroepiglottic ligament
        • pointed
        • attached to the upper part of angle between
          • two lamina of thyroid cartilage
      • margins
        • right and left margins
          • provide attachment to aryepiglottic folds
      • surfaces
        • anterior surface
          • connected to tongue
            • by median glossoepiglottic fold
          • connected to hyoid bone
            • by hyoepiglottic ligament
        • posterior surface
          • covered by mucous membrane
          • presents a tubercle in lower part
      • between
        • thyroid cartilage and margins of epiglottis
          • thyroepiglottic muscle
          • keeps inlet of larynx patent for breathing
        • aryepiglottic muscle
          • closes inlet during swallowing
    • situation
      • anterior wall of upper part of larynx


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  • hi/epiglottis.txt
  • 2023/06/19 09:22
  • brahmantra