

  • Thyroid cartilage
    • Y shaped in section
  • Parts
    • Position
      • Oblique relative to midline
    • Right and left lamina
      • Quadrilateral
      • Each lamina
        • Anterior border
          • Lower parts
            • Fuse to form laryngeal prominence
              • Adams apple
          • Upper parts.
            • Do not meet
            • Thyroid notch
        • Posterior border
          • Free
          • Prolonged upward and downward
          • Cornua or horns
            • Superior cornua
              • Connected to greater cornua of hyoid bone
                • By thyrohyoid ligament
            • Inferior cornua
              • Articulates with cricoid cartilage
                • Cricothyroid joint
        • Inferior border
          • In median plane connected to cricoid cartilage
            • Conus elasticus
        • Surfaces
          • Outer surface
            • Oblique line
              • Thyrohyoid , sternothyroid , thyrophsryngeus
    • Attachments
      • Inferior cornua and lower border
        • Triangular cricothyroid
      • Posterior border
        • Connecting superior and inferior cornua
        • Palatopharyngeus
        • Salpingopharyngeus
        • Stylopharyngeus
    • Inner aspect
      • Thyroepiglottic
        • Ligament ( median )
        • Muscle on each side
      • Vestibular fold on each side
      • Vocal fold on each side
      • Thyroarytenoid
      • Vocalis muscle on each side
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  • hi/thyroid_cartilage.txt
  • 2023/06/19 09:19
  • brahmantra