• White matter of cerebrum
    • types of fibers in the white matter
      • association fibers ( intra hemispheric fibres)
        • features
          • interconnect different regions of same cerebral hemisphere
        • types
          • short association fibers ( arcuate or U fibers )
          • long association fibers
            • connect gyri of different lobes
            • types
              • uncinate fasciculus
                • connects motor speech area and orbital cortex of frontal lobe
                  • to cortex of temporal lobe
              • cingulum or limbic association bundle
                • thick fibers occupying cingulate and parahippocampal gyri
                • extends from parater-minal gyrus to uncus
                  • forming almost a circle like a girdle
              • superior longitudinal bundle
                • longest association bundle
                • connects frontal lobe to
                  • occipital and temporal lobes
              • inferior longitudinal bundle
                • connects visual association area to
                  • temporal lobe
              • fronto-occipital bundle
                • commences in frontal pole
                  • runs backwards to radiate in occipital and temporal lobes
      • commissural fibers ( interhemispheric fibres )
        • Anterior commissure
        • Posterior commissure
        • Hippocampal commissure
        • Habenular Commissure
      • projection fibers
        • connect cerebral cortex to subcortical centres
        • types
          • corticofugal fibers
            • go away from cortex ( cortical efferents )
          • corticopetal fibers
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  • en/white_inner_cerebrum.txt
  • 2023/06/23 10:21
  • brahmantra