• Compact bundle of projection fibres
      • between thalamus and
        • caudate nucleus medially
        • lentiform nucleus laterally
      • these fibers
        • fan out rostrally
          • to form corona radiata
        • condense caudally
          • continue as crus cerebri
        • types
          • ascending ( corticopetal / sensory )
          • descending ( corticofugal / motor )
    • Blood supply
      • middle cerebral artery
      • anterior cerebral artery
        • striate branches
        • recurrent artery of heubner
    • shape
      • V shaped compact structure
        • concavity directed laterally
      • parts
        • Anterior limb
          • lies between
            • head of caudate nucleus medially
            • anterior part of lentiform nucleus
        • posterior limb
          • lies between thalamus medially and posterior part of lentiform nucleus
        • genu
          • bend between anterior and posterior limb
        • retro-lentiform part
          • lies behind lentiform nucleus
        • sublentiform part
          • lies below lentiform nucleus
      • Constituent fibers
        • Motor fibers ( corticofugal fibres )
          • corticopontine fibres
            • largest single group of projection fibers
            • naming ( named according to lobe from which they arise )
              • frontopontine
                • numerous
                • pass through anterior limb , genu and posterior limb
              • parietopontine
                • pass through retrolentiform part
              • occipitopontine
                • pass through retrolentiform part
              • temporopontine
                • pass through sublentiform part
            • relay in ipsilateral pontine nuclei
              • from ipsilateral pons to contralateral cerebellum
          • pyramidal fibers
            • corticonuclear
            • corticospinal
          • extrapyramidal fibers
            • corticorubral
            • corticostriate
            • corticonigral
      • corticopetal fibres ( sensory fibers )
        • thalamocortical fibres ( thalamic radiation )
          • according to direction
            • anterior thalamic radiation
              • connects
                • anterior and dorsomedial nuclei of thalamus to frontal lobe
              • passes through
                • anterior limb
            • superior thalamic radiation
              • connects
                • ventral tier of thalamic nuclei with sensory cortex of frontal and parietal lobes
              • through
                • anterior limb of internal capsule
            • posterior thalamic radiation
              • pass through
                • retrolentiform part
              • connects
                • lateral geniculate body to primary visual cortex forming optic radiation
            • inferior thalamic radiation
              • pass through
                • sublentiform part
              • connects
                • medial geniculate body with the primary auditory area of temporal lobe
                  • auditory radiation
1273 Capsula interna Internal capsule
1274 Pontes grisei caudatolenticulares Caudolenticular grey bridges; transcapsular grey bridges
1275 Crus anterius Anterior limb
1276 Radiatio thalami anterior Anterior thalamic radiation
1277 Tractus frontopontinus Frontopontine fibres
1278 Genu capsulae internae Genu of internal capsule
1279 Fibrae corticonucleares Corticonuclear fibres
1280 Crus posterius Posterior limb
1281 Radiatio thalami centralis Central thalamic radiation
1282 Fibrae corticoreticulares Corticoreticular fibres
1283 Fibrae corticorubrales Corticorubral fibres
1284 Fibrae corticospinales Corticospinal fibres
1285 Fibrae corticothalamicae Corticothalamic fibres
1286 Fibrae parietopontinae Parietopontine fibres
1287 Fibrae thalamoparietales Thalamoparietal fibres
1288 Pars retrolentiformis Retrolentiform limb; retrolenticular limb
1289 Fibrae occipitopontinae Occipitopontine fibres
1290 Fibrae occipitotectales Occipitotectal fibres
1291 Radiatio optica; fibrae geniculocalcarinae Optic radiation; geniculocalcarine fibres
1292 Radiatio thalamica posterior Posterior thalamic radiation
1293 Pars sublentiformis Sublentiform limb; sublenticular limb
1294 Radiatio acustica; fibrae geniculotemporales Acoustic radiation; geniculotemporal fibres
1295 Fibrae corticotectales Corticotectal fibres
1296 Radiatio optica Gratiolet Optic radiation Gratiolet
1297 Fibrae temporopontinae Temporopontine fibres
1298 Fibrae corticothalamicae Corticothalamic fibres
1299 Corona radiata Corona radiata
1300 Capsula externa External capsule
1301 Capsula extrema Extreme capsule
1302 Commissura anterior Anterior commissure
1303 Pars anterior Anterior part
1304 Pars posterior Posterior part
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  • en/internal_capsule.txt
  • 2023/06/23 10:45
  • brahmantra