
These are like the 3 mother earth layers which protect the buildings and inside headquarters.

As we call our earth as mother similarly this mother protects their children and citizens inside it.

  • Duramater - hard mother
  • Arachnoid mother - network like mother
  • Pia mater - soft mother

There are spaces between the motherlands . The space between duramater and arachnoid mater is called as subdural space (below hard motherland).the space above the hardmotherland is called as epidural or extradural space.the space between the network motherland and softmotherland is called as subarachnoid space (below network motherland).

Sometimes the drainage tunnels that connect hardmotherland with network motherland are broken and the blood gets collected in to a lump in this area which is called as subdural hemorrhage.The individuals slowly lose consciousness due to this incident.

The space between the hardmotherland and the stonyland (skull) contains roads(middle meningeal artery) which when injured can lead to traffic moving on to wrong path and leads to obstruction and stagnation of contents.this is called epidural hematoma.The person may loss consciousness and then again regain consciousness.this is called lucid interval.but if time passes more then it can lead to death of the whole nation due to the collapse of brainland.

Subarachnoid hemorrhage which is the worst nightmare of the citizens between network motherland and softmotherland which gives them a thunderclap headache due to the trauma.

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  • en/meninges_analogy.txt
  • 2024/03/03 14:11
  • brahmantra