

if there is any disease , agent ,


route of transmission or entry »»BACTERIA »causes» INFLAMMATION »» Complications route of transmission or entry »» VIRUS »>causes »> INFLAMMATION »» COMPLICATIONS prevention of transmission »»>ANTIBIOTICS »if not treated » ANTI-INFLAMMATORY »if not treated»» CONSERVATIVE MANAGEMENT


vancomycin - vancocin hcl (hydrochloric acid is present in git) used to treat cl.difficle watery or bloody diarrhea and MRSA ( DOC ) clindamycin - clindacin(clean skin) and acanya(severe acne in adults) zidovudine - retrovir (neucloside reverse transcriptase inhibitors) minocycline - solodyn (to treat many UTI,RTI,Chlamydia,) azithromycin - azasite ( used to treat eye infections) and ear infections doxycycline - oracea(tetracycline) used to treat rosacea, chloroquine - alaren (malaria ) After surgery an antibiotic is a compulsory treatment to prevent the recurrence of infections,if urinary tract operation is done antiinfectives for urinary tract antibiotic is givem, if git operation is done an antibiotic to prevent git infections is given,if nervous system operation is done antiinfective for nervous system is given.

drugs for urinary tract infections.in majority of surgical cases or postoperative cases antibiotics are compulsory.

SOME OF THE ANTIBIOTICS to treat bacterial infections are NORFLOX–Norfloxacin is given to treat urine infections. It is important to complete the full course of treatment. This is to prevent the infection from coming back. MONOCEF— GRILLINCTUS— AUGMENTIN—Augmentin contains a combination of amoxicillin and clavulanate potassium. Amoxicillin is an antibiotic in a group of drugs called penicillins. Amoxicillin fights bacteria in the body.Clavulanate potassium is a form of clavulanic acid, which is similar to penicillin BACTRIUM-DS— Used to treat respiratory infections URIBID— NITROFURANTOIN – It is an antibiotic used to treat urinary tract infections CIFRAN tablets contain the active ingredient, ciprofloxacin, which is an antibiotic belonging to a group of medicines called quinolones TAXIM - OF(cefixime and Ofloxacin) Taxim Of Tablet is a medicine that is used for the treatment of Typhoid fever, Urinary tract infections, Respiratory infections, Skin infections, Soft tissue infections, Sexually transmitted infections TAXIM -O (cefixime) used to treat pneumonia and other conditions

amantadine - Amantadine (trade name Symmetrel, by Endo Pharmaceuticals) is a drug that has U.S. Food and Drug Administration approval for use both as an antiviral and an antiparkinsonian drug.An extended release formulation is used to treat dyskinesia, a side effect of levodopa which is taken by people who have Parkinsons.Amantadine “Homan to Dean” In case you haven’t heard, Dr. Homan is our new SOM dean. His new policy: he won’t let us come to school without our white coats (this drug blocks uncoating, stage 2, in viral infection). Other interesting facts about him: he can pee for 12 hours straight! (The half-life is 12h and it’s excreted unchanged in the kidney .) Dr. Homan can’t take the pressure of being a new dean so he becomes a nervous drunk with depression, feelings of detachment, insomnia, dizziness, ataxia, slurred speech, and inability to concentrate (these are some of the adverse effects) .

clindamycin - It is of the lincosamide class and works by blocking bacteria from making protein,Clindamycin is used primarily to treat anaerobic infections Clindamycin “Clean the mice” You’re cleaning the mice because they are covered with ticks (this drug is used to treat Lyme Disease). You have to use SOS kitchen cleaner to clean the mice (SOS = 50 S ribosomal unit – where this drug acts). Richard Gere likes to put mice in “where the sun don’t shine” and this is a very FRAGILE procedure (Clindamycin may cause Pseudomembranous enterocolitis and it’s also used to treat B. fragilis infections).

foscarnet … Foscarnet “Fox cARRR net” If you catch foxes in a net, they won’t reproduce (this drug is a stage 3 inhibitor). ARRR… it inhibits RNA polymerase and Reverse transcriptase to block Reproduction. You’re going to put the foxes into a car that’s made out of bones instead of metal (this drug binds to bones and decreases Ca2+ and Mg2+). Also, a foxy lady is HOT (this drug will cause a fever) and never wear fox urine to hunt (this is excreted in the kidney and causes renal insufficiency). This phosphonic acid derivative (marketed by Clinigen as foscarnet sodium under the trade name Foscavir) is an antiviral medication used to treat herpes viruses, including drug-resistant cytomegalovirus (CMV) and herpes simplex viruses types 1 and 2 (HSV-1 and HSV-2). It is particularly used to treat CMV retinitis.

Nitrofurantoin: major side effects NitroFurAntoin: Neuropathy (peripheral neuropathy) Fibrosis (pulmonary fibrosis) Anemia (hemolytic anemia)

Aminoglycosides: common characteristics AMINO:(the nearby threats of amino) Active Against Aerobic gram negative x active against gram positive Mechanism of resistance are Modifying enzymes Inhibit protein synthesis by binding to 30S subunit x protein ( translation) Nephrotoxic x safe for kidney Ototoxic x safe for ear

Sulfonamides: common characteristics SULFA:Steven-Johnson syndrome/ Skin rash / Solubility low x smooth skin Urine precipitation/ Useful for UTI Large spectrum (gram positives and negatives) Folic acids synthesis blocker (as well as synthesis of nucleic acids) Analog of PABA

Sulfonamide: major side effects · Sulfonamide side effects: Steven-Johnson syndrome Skin rash Solubility low (causes crystalluria) Serum albumin displaced (causes newborn kernicterus and potentiation of other serum albumin-binders like warfarin)

β-lactam antibiotics (beta-lactam antibiotics) are a class of broad-spectrum antibiotics, consisting of all antibiotic agents that contain a beta-lactam ring in their molecular structures. This includes penicillin derivatives (penams), cephalosporins (cephems), monobactams, and carbapenems.Most β-lactam antibiotics work by inhibiting cell wall biosynthesis in the bacterial organism and are the most widely used group of antibiotics


antimicrobial drugs = destroying the armory and arsenal of criminals protein synthesis inhibitors = destorying the bombs and bullets stock cell wall synthesis inhibitors = destorying the bullet proof vest

amoebiasis (amoeba parasite fever) asymptomatic intestinal = diloxanide furoate symptomatic intestinal = metronidazole(flaagyl or metro - gel) + diloxanide0 extraintestinal

african sleeping sickness = early hemolymphatic stage = suramin late cns stage = melarsoprol

burkholderia pseudomallei(burking pseudo mallel) = ceftazidime(saif) brucellosis (bruce) = doxycycline(D- cleaner) + streptomycin(strip my skin) cholera(vibrant ) = tetracycline(T- cleaner) cytomegalo(mega virus) = acyclovir chagas = nifurtimox diptheria (the cry diptee terror ) = erythromycin (Eth - dipth) enteric or intestinal fever = ceftriaxone/ciprofloxacin(saif and sip-oxflo) filariasis(filling the air like a pump leg) = diethylcarbamazine gonorrhea = saif-triaxone ( herpes simplex (harpreet simple) = acyclovir (a - clone of vir),ganciclovir(ganci-clone of vir),valcy - clon-vir leptospira = pencillin (silly penny) listeria (lisa of air) = ampicillin (i am pennny) malaria (air ) = chloroquine influenza = oseltamivir kala azar = amphotericin B Klebsiella = carbapenems (coal) meningococci = pencillin g (silly g pen,messy coccons) malaria in pregnancy = chloroquine pneumococcus (the nemo coccon) = pencilina pneumocystic jeroveci pneumonia = cotrimoxazole plague (the black death) = tetracycline(T - track cleaner) the pseudomona = ceftazidime + aminoglycosides(sides) (mona darling sona kaha hain…. saif aata hain madat ke liye) sea gull (shigell) = fluoroquinolone (flora queens) toxoplasmosis (toxic plasma) = cotrimoxazole (co-try m-ox) …. ox and ox similar

ANTIBIOTICS - ends in cillin -cillin; antibiotic CEPHALOSPORINS - starts with ceph, cef AMINOGLYCOSIDE - ends with mycin, micin QUINOLONES - ends in floxacin, oxacin -AZOLE = antifungal -vir; antiviral -oxacin ;antibiotic -mycin ;antibiotic -cycline = antibiotic -floxacin = antibiotic -cep/-cef = anti-infectives -mab = monoclonal antibiotics -micin = antibiotic, aminoglycoside -navir = protease inhibitor -vir = anti-viral, protease inhibitors

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  • en/antibiotics.txt
  • 2022/12/28 13:57
  • brahmantra