

    • Compact bundle of projection fibres ( प्रक्षेप तन्तु का पुंज )
      • between thalamus and ( चेतक )
        • caudate nucleus medially
        • lentiform nucleus laterally
      • these fibers
        • fan out rostrally ( चोंच की ओर )
          • to form corona radiata (
        • condense caudally
          • continue as crus cerebri
        • types
          • ascending ( corticopetal / sensory )
          • descending ( corticofugal / motor )
    • Blood supply
      • middle cerebral artery
      • anterior cerebral artery
        • striate branches
        • recurrent artery of heubner
    • shape
      • V shaped compact structure ( व के अकार का )
        • concavity directed laterally
      • parts
        • Anterior limb ( अग्र अङ्ग् )
          • lies between
            • head of caudate nucleus medially
            • anterior part of lentiform nucleus
        • posterior limb ( पश्च अङ्ग् )
          • lies between thalamus medially and posterior part of lentiform nucleus (चंद्र ज्ञाणंड )
        • genu ( जानु
          • bend between anterior and posterior limb
        • retro-lentiform part ( पश्च चंद्र ज्ञाणंड भाग )
          • lies behind lentiform nucleus
        • sublentiform part ( अधः चंद्र ज्ञाणंड भाग )
          • lies below lentiform nucleus
      • Constituent fibers
        • Motor fibers ( corticofugal fibres - अवप्रमस्तिष्क तन्तु )
          • corticopontine fibres ( प्रमस्तिष्क-सेतु तन्तु )
            • largest single group of projection fibers
            • naming ( named according to lobe from which they arise )
              • frontopontine ( ललाट सेतु )
                • numerous
                • pass through anterior limb , genu and posterior limb
              • parietopontine ( पार्श्व सेतु )
                • pass through retrolentiform part
              • occipitopontine ( पश्च सेतु )
                • pass through retrolentiform part
              • temporopontine ( शंख सेतु )
                • pass through sublentiform part
            • relay in ipsilateral pontine nuclei ( सेतु ज्ञान्ड में जाता है )
              • from ipsilateral pons to contralateral cerebellum ( वहाँ से अनुमस्तिष्क )
          • pyramidal fibers
            • corticonuclear ( प्रमस्तिष्क )
            • corticospinal ( प्रमस्तिष्क-मेरु )
          • extrapyramidal fibers
            • corticorubral
            • corticostriate
            • corticonigral
      • corticopetal fibres ( sensory fibers - अभिप्रमस्तिष्क तन्तु )
        • thalamocortical fibres ( thalamic radiation -चेटक तंत्रिका )
          • according to direction
            • anterior thalamic radiation ( अग्र )
              • connects
                • anterior and dorsomedial nuclei of thalamus to frontal lobe
              • passes through
                • anterior limb
            • superior thalamic radiation ( ऊर्ध्व )
              • connects
                • ventral tier of thalamic nuclei with sensory cortex of frontal and parietal lobes
              • through
                • anterior limb of internal capsule
            • posterior thalamic radiation ( पश्च )
              • pass through
                • retrolentiform part ( पश्च चंद्र भाग )
              • connects
                • lateral geniculate body to primary visual cortex forming optic radiation
            • inferior thalamic radiation ( अधः )
              • pass through
                • sublentiform part ( अधः चंद्र भाग )
              • connects
                • medial geniculate body with the primary auditory area of temporal lobe
                  • auditory radiation
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  • hi/internal_capsule.txt
  • 2023/06/23 12:32
  • brahmantra