
Facial Artery

  • Facial artery
    • features
      • arises in carotid triangle from ECA
        • above the tip of greater cornu of hyoid bone
      • Then passes through submandibular region
      • enters face
    • Course
        • tortuous course
          • allows free movements during swallowing
        • runs upwards on superior constrictor of pharynx
          • deep to posterior belly of digastric
          • with stylohyoid
            • to ramus of mandible
        • grooves posterior border of submandibular gland
          • s bend with two loops
            • winds over submandibular gland then to
              • over the ramus of mandible
        • enters face by swindling around base of mandible
          • pierces deep cervical fascia
            • at the anteroinferior angle of masseter muscle
              • palpated here called as anaesthetist's artery
        • upward and forward to a point 1.25 cm lateral to angle of mouth
          • ascends by side of nose
            • up to medial angle of eye
              • terminates by supplying lacrimal sac
              • anastomoses with dorsal nasal branch of ophthalmic artery
        • tortuous course
          • helps its walls from collapsing
        • lies between superficial and deep muscles of face
    • Branches
        • anterior branches
          • inferior labial - lower lip
          • superior labial -
            • upper lip
            • anteroinferior part of nasal septum
          • lateral nasal
            • ala and dorsum of nose
        • posterior branches are very small
        • ascending palatine
          • goes upward between stylopharyngeus and styloglossus
        • tonsillar
        • submental
          • accompanies mylohyoid nerve
          • supplies submental triangle and sublingual salivary gland
        • glandular
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  • en/facial-artery.txt
  • 2023/06/16 13:33
  • brahmantra