Anatomical Terminology :CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM

Circulates blood around the body via the heart, arteries and veins, delivering oxygen and nutrients to organs and cells and carrying their waste products away. Keeps the body's temperature in a safe range.

  • A closed loop , circulatory system , blood loop , supply loop
    • divided in to two loops
      • pulmonary loop , lungs loop , to lungs
        • right heart , impure heart , black heart
          • right atrium
            • venacava , impure body
          • right ventricle
            • Pulmonary artery , impure lung
      • systemic loop , body loop , to body
        • left heart , pure heart , white heart
          • left atrium
            • pulmonary veins , pure blood , pure lung
          • left ventricle
            • aorta , pure blood , nice blood
    • connected centrally to
      • pyramidal shaped structure called
        • heart , cor , cardia
          • walls , surfaces
            • General
              • apex of heart
                • formed entirely by LEFT VENTRICLE
                • directed downward,forward and to left
                • situated in left 5th intercostal space
                  • medial to midclavicular line
                  • lateral to midsternal
              • borders of heart
                • left border
                  • formed by left ventricle
                • upper border
                  • formed by two atria
                • right border
                  • formed by right atrium
                • inferior border
                  • horizontal
                  • formed by right ventricle
              • 3 surfaces of heart
                • anterior / sternocostal surface
                  • formed by right atrium and right ventricle
                  • most of sternocostal surface is covered by lungs
                  • part of it lies behind cardiac notch of left lung
                    • this uncovered area is dull on percussion
                    • area of superficial cardiac dullness
                • inferior or diaphragmmatic surface
                  • rests on the central tendon of diaphragm
                  • left 2/3 by left ventricle
                  • right 1/3 by right ventricle
                • left surface
                  • formed by
                    • left ventricle
                    • upper end by left auricle
                  • upper part surface is crossed by coronary sulcus
              • base of heart
                • also called posterior surface
                • formed by left atrium and part of right atrium
                • relation
                  • 4 pulmonary veins open in to left atrium
                  • superior and inferior venacava open in to right strium
                  • separated from vertebral column by pericardium
                  • T5 - T8 Vertebra
                    • in lying posture
                    • descends by 1 vertebra in erect posture
            • Particular
              • endothelium , endocardium
              • myocardium
              • epicardium
              • pericardium
                • visceral
                • parietal
          • borders
            • right , left , inferior , upper
          • divided
            • externally by
              • grooves or sulci
                • atrioventricular / coronary sulcus
                  • divided in to
                    • anterior
                      • right part
                        • b/w right auricle and right ventricle
                        • lodges right coronary artery
                      • left part
                        • left auricle and left ventricle
                        • lodges circumflex branch of l;eft coronary artery
                    • posterior
                • interatrial groove
                • interventricular groove
                  • posterior interventricular groove
                    • situated on inferior / diaphrammatic surface
                  • anterior interventricular groove
                    • nearer to left margin of heart
                • crux of heart , meeting of all grooves
            • internally by
    • connected peripherally through
      • tubular structures
        • oxygenated , pure blood tubes , vessels
          • pulmonary vein , lung vein , pure lung tube , left main entry
          • aorta , body artery , pure body tube , left main exit
        • deoxygenated , impure blood , vessels
          • pulmonary artery , lung artery , impure lung tube , right main exit
          • Venacava , body vein , impure body tube , right main entry
    • specific features
      • structure of heart
        • valves
          • atrioventricular valves
          • semilunar valves
        • fibrous skeleton
        • musculature of heart
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  • en/cardiovascular_system.txt
  • 2024/08/30 11:46
  • brahmantra