
Ventriculus cordis (VENTRICLES)

  • Ventriculus sinister - Left ventricle

* ventricles

  • left ventricle
    • 3 surfaces
      • anterior / sternocostal surface
      • inferior / diaphragmmatic
      • left surface
    • lower rough part
    • upper smooth part
    • valves
      • bicuspid / mitral valve
      • aortic orifice guardiung aorta
  • right ventricle
    • two surfaces
      • inferior / diaphragmmatic
      • anterior / sternocostal
    • position
    • external features
      • interior
        • infloiwing part
          • rough due to
            • muscular ridges
              • trabeculae carnea
                • develops from proximal part of bulbous cordis
          • types
            • ridges or fixed elevations
            • bridges
            • pillars or papillary muscles
        • outflowing part
          • or infundibulum
            • smooth
              • forms upper conical part of right ventricle
              • develops from midportion of bulbous cordis
    • interventricular septum

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  • en/ventricle.txt
  • 2023/06/14 15:43
  • brahmantra