• Atrium dextrum - Right atrium
    • right atrium
      • External features
        • little ear or right auricle
          • covers the root of ascending aorta
          • partly overlaps the infundibulum of right ventricle
          • margins are notched and interior is sponge like
        • right border of atrium
          • along this border
            • shallow vertical groove
              • passes from SVC to IVC
                • sulcus terminalis ( corner sulcus )
                  • upper part contains SA node
              • Caused by
                • internal muscular ridge
                  • crista terminalis ( corner line )
        • right atrioventricular groove
          • separates
            • right atrium from the right ventricle
          • more or less vertical
            • lodges right coronary artery
            • small cardiac vein
    • Internal features
      • smooth posterior part or sinus venarum
        • most of tributaries except anterior cardiac vein drain in to it
          • superior venacava opens at upper end
          • inferior venacava opens at lower end
            • guarded by rudimentary valve
              • eustachian valve (gate )
              • in embryonic life
                • directs IVC blood to left atrium
          • coronary sinus ( heart tank )
            • opens between
              • IVC opening and Right atrioventricular orifice
              • guarded by thebesian valve
          • venae cordis minimae ( small heart veins)
            • present in walls of all 4 chambers
              • open in to right atrium
        • derived from right horn of sinus venosus
        • intervenous tubercle of lower
          • posterior wall of atrium
      • rough anterior part or pectinate part
        • derived from primitive artrial chamber
        • series of transverse muscular ridges
          • called musculi pectinati
      • interatrial septum
        • derived from septum primum and septum secundum
        • fossa ovalis
        • annulus ovalis or limbus fossa ovalis

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  • en/right_atrium.txt
  • 2024/08/30 11:30
  • brahmantra