* Appearance - ugly , fat , slim , beautiful , ugly , dirty , good , bad, nice , clean , strong , weak , health , disease , sick,alive , dead

female, feminine thely- , gyneka- femina स्त्री
male, masculine arseno- vir- मर्द ,पुरुष
Bad, incorrect cac-, dys- mal- , mis(other) बुरा,गलत
Good, well eu- ben(e)-, bon(i)- अच्छा , ठीक
Dead necr(o)- mort- मृत
Dirty vromikos sordida गंदा
clean kathari साफ
Beautiful panemorfi pulchra सुंदर
nice omorfi - अच्छा
ugly aschimos deformis कुरूप
healthy ygiis sanus स्वस्थ
diseased noson morbidus रोगी
dead nekros mortuus मृत
alive zontanos vivus जीवित
strong ischyros fortis मजबूत
weak adynamos debilis कमजोर
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  • en/appearance.txt
  • 2023/06/05 08:38
  • brahmantra