
RATIONAL, Reasonable, Ratiocination. IRRATIONAL, Vnreasonable, brutish.
UNDERSTANDING, Intellect, Mind, mental, apprehend, compre∣hend, perceive, conceive, reach, resent, Sentiment. IDIOTICALNESS, being as a natural Fool, Changeling, Innocent
JUDGMENT, Iudicious. INIUDICIOVSNESS, Simple, Silly.
CONSCIENCE. VNCONSCIONABLENESS, Searedness, Profligateness, moral, Insen∣sibility
WILL, Desire, List, Option, Vote, Wish, Mind, Pleasure, covet, volun∣tary. LISTLESNESS, no mind to.
COMMON SENSE, perceive, discern, apprehend, Senti•ent, resent, conceive, discover, find. STV•OR, Numness, amaze, astonish, narcotic, amuze, asleep, set on edge.
PHANSIE, Imagination, Conceit, fantastical, capricious, Phantasm. DOTAGE, Delirium, Dizzard, Sot, besot.
MEMORY, recollect, re-call, commemorate, remember, call or come to mind, put in mind▪ suggest, record, recount, con over, getting by heart, by rote, without book, at ones fingers end, memorable, memorial, Memorandum, mindful. FORGETFVLNESS, Oblivion, Vnmindfulness, overslip.
APPETITE, Desire, Inclination, Concupiscence, Stomach, Longing, Lust, having a mind to. LOATHING, fulsome, nauseate, glut, cloy, go against, queasie, squea∣mish, wambling, qualm, detest.
SIGHT, Vision, View, ken, Optic, descry, discern, espie, spie, peep, prie, see, perceive, look upon, behold, Glimpse, Spectacle, Spectator, Inspe∣ction, Revise, Prospect, first blush, visible, conspicuous. BLINDNESS, Dimness, dark, poreblind, put out ones eyes.
HEARING, attend, hearken, listen, give ear, audible. DEAFNESS, surd.
SMELL, Odor, Savour, Sent, Pomander, Perfume.
TAST, Gust, Savour, Relish, Smack, Smatch, Tang, toothsom.
TOUCH, feel, contact, tactile, palpable, grope. NVMNESS, Stupor, dead, torpid, asleep.
INGENUITY, Good nature, Candor, candid, free, liberal, clear. DISINGENVITY, Ill nature, Perverseness, thwart, cross, froward, unto∣ward, wayward, awkward, refractory, untractable, wilful, stubborn, sul∣len, dogged, sturdy, stiff, restif.
SPRIGHTLINESS, Wit, Vivacity, ingenious, brisk, lively, quick, acute, sharp, debonair, Mercurial, pregnant, presentness of mind DVLNESS, Stupidity, gross witted, hard-headed, torpid, soft, thick, heavy, dazle, dolt, Block-head, Logger-head, Dunce, Sot, indocil, dreaming.
SERIOUSNESS, earnest, grave, sober, staid, sad, substantial, so∣lemn. WANTONNESS, lightness, aiery, playward, gamesom, dallying sportful, trifling, lascivious, giddy, petulant, skittish, toying, Ramp, Gigg, Rigg, Gambol
GENTLENESS, Tameness, Mildness, Meekness, Lenity, break, reclaim, tame, come to hand. FIERCENESS, Wildness, Haggard, Savage, barbarous, curstness, surly, eager, furious, dire, fell, grim, rough, source, keen, un∣tamed.
OPPOSITE TO RAPACITY, not rapacious. RAPACITY, ravenous, voracious, greedy, Harpy, devour, preying.
STOUTNESS, Boldness, manful, redoubted, daring, sturdy, stre∣nuous. LAZINESS, sluggish, lither, lurden, Drone, dull, soft.
HARDINESS, Tolerance, strenuous, robust, stout, sturdy, indu∣strious, painful. NICENESS, Softness, Tenderness, Delicateness, Curiosity, fine, squeamish, effeminate, finical, dainty.
WHOLENESS, Intireness, perfect, safe and sound, tite, consolidate, of one piece. MVTILOVSNESS, maimed, mangle, lame, lopped, crippled.
SOUNDNESS, Sanity, Healthiness, hail, heal, whole, clearness. ROTTENNESS, Putridness, Corruption, purulent, tainted, unsound, moulder, festered, addle, Matter, rankle, suppurate▪ putrefie, Carrion
INDOLENCE, Ease, lenitive, relaxation, clearness, lighten. PAIN, Ach, smart, ail, anguish, grief, ill at ease, sore, pang, thro, tor∣ment, torture, ake, excruciate, twing, twitch, fret, gripe, gird, racking
VIGOR, Vivacity, thriving, vegetous, flourishing, lusty, lively, sprightly, florid, quick, fresh, in heart, in good plight, in proof, pert, smart, crank, sturdy, revive. DECAYING, consume, wear, wast, drooping, fading, out of heart, flagging, languish, break, fail, going down, fall away, bring down or low, decline, impair, quail, abate, molder, pine, wither, perish, spend, corrupt.
FATNESS, plump▪ pampered, burly, corpulent, gross, foggy, pursie, battle. LEANNESS, macilent, meagre, Starveling, flue, poor, bare, spare, thin, lank, gaunt, Rascal, scraggy, ghastly, pine, emaciate, fall away, Carrion, skin and bone.
BEAUTY -fulness, Handsomness, Pulchritude, Comeliness, Ele∣gance, Decency, fair, goodly, well-favoured, seemly, polite, quaint, pretty, graceful, lovely, personable. DEFORMITY, unhandsome, ill-favoured, ugly, uncomely, misbe∣coming, Indecorum, absurd, unseemly, mishapen, foul, squalid, Hagg, deface, disfigure.
STRENGTH, Force, Might, Validity, Puissance, robust, strenuous, stout, sturdy, in heart, main, corroborate, fortifie, recruit WEAKNESS, Feebleness, Debility, Imbecillity, Infirmity, disa∣bled, faint, languid, dead, frail, out of heart, heartless, flag∣ging, invalid, small, bring down or low, enervate, decline, en∣feeble.
AGILITY, Nimbleness, Activity, Lightness, Volubility, quick, dexterous, Mercurial, restive, handy, man of his hands. LVMPISHNESS, Vnweildiness, dulness, gross, heavy, pursie▪ Lob, Lubber, Slugg, Lozel.
SWIFTNESS, Fleetness, Celerity, Speed, fast, apace, sodain, quick, rapid, hurry, accelerate, hasten, cursory, hy, expedite, run, send, whisk, post. SLOWNESS, Heaviness, slackness, dull, Slug, tardy, leisurely, softly, dilatory, retard, foreslow, delay, Lob, Lubber, lumpish, Lurdan, torpid, unwieldy, gingerly.
SEX, Kind, Gender, Epicene, Hermaphrodite. MALE, masculine, Buck, Bore, Dog, Gib, Cock, Milter, He. FEMALE, feminine, Doe, Sow, Bitch, Hen, Spawner, She.
FRUITFULNESS, fertile-ity, foecund, prolifi•••• fructifie, rank, produce fruit. BARRENNESS, Sterility, Vnfruitfulness, infertile, blasting, blite.
RIPENESS, Maturity, mellow, Precocity, stale, hatch. OVER-RIPENESS, fading, decaying, withering. VNRIPENESS, immature, green.
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  • 2024/02/22 14:25
  • brahmantra