THat Action whereby things do pass from one place to another is styled MOTION, move, remove, stir,, wag, shake, quetch, shog, jog, start, jerk,*budge, dislodge, flitting, shuffle, shuttle, rummage, agitation, going, passing, transferr, place, make a stirr.

REST, Quiet, still, unmoved, repose, sedate, settle, stand, stay, stand or ly still, Requiem, ease, Pause, acquiesce, settle, sit, lodge, lull, Sabbath, dead of the night, take rest.

  • Of the whole; more
  • General, respecting the Kinds of Animal PROGRESSIVE MOTION. I.
  • Particular, referring to the VARIOUS NOTIONS OF GOING. II.

Beasts; more perfect: or imperfect.

  • GOING, gressive, a Step, Pace, Gate.
  • HALTING, Cripple, lame, limp, hobble, foundred.

Birds; in the

  • Air; by the motion of the wings: to which may be annexed that other kind of Motion of the wings whereby Birds use to keep themselves up in the same place with little or no Progression.
    • FLYING, fluttering, soar, volatile, toure.
  • Water; either upon it: or into and under it.
    • FLOTING.
    • DIVING, duck, plunge.

fish; either more generally within the water: or more specially down∣wards into it.

  • SWIMMING, launch.

Insects; as

  • Grashoppers and Fleas, &c. the more ‖ perfect: or imperfect.
    • LEAPING, skipping, jump, frisk, spring, caper, curvet, bound.
    • HOPPING.
  • Ants▪ or Worms, &c.
    • CREEPING, crawl, sprawl, reptile.
    • WRIGLING, insinuate, scrue or wind himself in.

Though each of these Motions do principally belong to such kinds of li∣ving Creatures, yet are they not so to be restrained to them but that they may be truly ascribed to others.

On an ordinary Plain or declivity; according to the

Lesser: or greater degrees of Velocity.

  • WALKING, Ambulation, Procession, Perambulation, go, wade, Ford, waddle, Lacquey, Path, foot it, trip along.
  • RUNNING, galloping, Career, Course, Race, start, Goal, outstrip, Foot∣man.

Different Motion of the four legs; when either those of one side move together: or when they move cross and diagonally.

  • AMBLING, pacing, thorough-paced.
  • TROTTING, prancing.

Different Extensions of the body according to height: or of the legs ac∣cording to wideness.

  • STALKING, jetting▪ strutt, portly going.
  • STRADLING, stride, a-stride, div•ricate.

Different Modes, whether more regular: or irregular.

  • STAGGERING, reeling, Vacillation, Tottering.

On a very smooth Plain.

On a very smooth Plain.

  • SLIDING, glide, slipping.
  • STUMBLING, Titubation, blunder, falter, lapse, slip, trip.

On a difficult Declivity

On a difficult Declivity, ‖ upwards: or downwards.

  • CLIMBING, clambering, foaling.
  • RIDING, being horsed or mounted, taking horse, Post-ilion.
  • SAILING, Navigation, Voiage, launch, take water or ship, embark, wast
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  • en/locomotion.txt
  • 2024/07/29 10:14
  • brahmantra