More general and extreme, as to the agreeableness: or disagreeableness of them to the Palate or Nose.
- SWEETNESS, Pleasant, luscious, toothsom, fragrant, odoriferous, Perfume.
- VNSAVOVRINESS, Stink, Stench, foetid, noisom, fulsom, rank.
- Thin and warm matter, like that of Oil or Butter: or that of Pep∣per.
- FATTINESS, Oily, unctuous, gross, greasie.
- ACRIMONIOUSNESS, biting, keen, cutting.
- Cooling and constringing matter, like that in Green fruit: or in Galls.
- AUSTERENESS, Harshness, sowr, tart.
- ACERBITY, Astringency, styptic.
- Penetrating vellicating matter, like that of Vinegar and Limons: or that of Aloes and Wormwood.
- ACIDITY, Sharpness, eager, hard.
- Matter of a moderate consistency: apt to corrode by its siccity.
- SALTISHNESS, saline, brackish, briny, seasoned.
- FRESHNESS, unsalted, flashy.
- The vividness: or decay of the Spirits in any thing.
- FRESHNESS, Smartness, brisk, quick, lively, spirituous.
- DEADNESS, vapid, decayed, insipid, wearish, flashy.
- The beginning: or farther degree of Putrefaction.
- MUSTINESS, Moldiness, vinewed, fusty.
- ROTTENNESS, addle, putrid.