
V. Acts of the Sensitive part, namely of the Fancy, and chiefly of the Appetite, whereby the mind is moved and disturbed with the apprehen∣sions of things, are styled PASSIONS, Affection, Perturbation, pathetic.

Those amongst these are called more SIMPLE which consist onely of one single Act. They are distinguishable into such as concern things under the notion of

New unexpected surprizing: or else things over-common and too much repeated; without respect to the good or evil of them, being chiefly a disturbance of the Fancy; styled

  • ADMIRATION, marvel, wonder, amaze, astonish.
  • TAEDIVM, glut, loathing, cloy, dawl, nauseate.

We Wish to happen to them.

  • FAVOUR, Benevolence, Benignity, Grace, Good will, kind propiti∣ous, ingratiate, Favorite, Dilling, Well-wisher, make much of.
  • MALIGNITY, Malice, Spite, Pique, Grudge, Prejudice, Despite, Discourtesie, Disfavour, sinister, virulent, malevolent, ill will, ill minded.

Apprehend to be in them; whether


Absolute; flowing from ‖ our general apprehensions of the Worth of things, and our need of them: or the Evil, and our being hurt by them.

  • LOVE, Affection, inamour, dote on smitten, amiable, besotted, amorous, dear, endear, Darling, Minion, Paramour, well-belo∣ved, Likings, Fancy, Philtre.
  • HATRED, Malice, Rancour, Spite, Virulence, odious, abhor, abo∣minate, detest, cannot endure, Grudge, Pique, Heart-burning, can∣kered, exulcerate.

Relative to different notions concerning Both Good and Evil; considered as

  • Present.
    • MIRTH, Glee, Solace, Chearfulness, Sport, blithe, blissom, buxom, frolick, jolly, jocund, jovial, merry, exhilarate, glad, crank, debonair, comical, pleasant, sanguin, Iubile.
    • GRIEF, Sadness, Sorrow, Melancholy, Heaviness, doleful, de∣plorable, disconsolate, bitter, pensive, dejected, tragical, ruful, amort, moan, bemoan, wail, bewail, lament, Dump, cast down, vex, trouble, cut, take on, whimper, pule, woe, agony, anguish, mourn, Plaint, Cry, take heavily.
  • Absent and possible.
    • DESIRE, Affection, covet, crave, fain, long for, lust, greedy, Inclination to, hankering, wish, Concupiscence, eager, earn∣est, importunate, thirst after, have a mind to.
    • AVERSATION, Antipathy, Regret, Reluctancy, Distast, irksom, eschew▪ shun, avoid, abhor, loath, execrate, cannot endure, or abide,
  • Absent and probable; as to
    • The nature of the Act.
      • HOPE, Trust, Recumbency, Affiance, Rely.
      • FEAR, Awe, Dread, Terrour, Horrour, Consternation, hide∣ous, dismal, afraid, agast, formidable, horrible, terrible, fright, fray, terrifie, scare, startle, daunt, deterr, dismay, a∣mate, appale, dare not, terrible, Bugbear, Hobgoblin.
    • The greater: or lesser degree of this Probability.
      • CONFIDENCE, Affiance, Trust, build upon, rest upon, rely, repose, secure, pert, in heart, dare, presume, take to.
      • DIFFIDENCE, Suspicion, Iealousie, Mistrust, Distrust, out of heart, faint-hearted, cast down, heartless, misdoubt, mis∣give.
    • The issue and event; which as it is represented to have Diffi∣culties in it ‖ either superable: or insuperable; so it excites.
      • BOLDNESS, Courage, Audacity, daring, sturdy, hardy, stout, venturous, pert, malapert, embolden, presume.
      • DESPAIR, Despondency, forlorn, hopeless, dash, cast down, deadness of heart, heartless, past hope.

Evil alone, or opposition from others, wherein there is contempt: to which may be annexed by way of affinity (though it be not properly a simple Passion) that particular desire of making such actions whereby others have been injurious to us, to be∣come hurtful to themselves, so as they may be sensible of it.

  • ANGER, Ire, Passion-ate, Wrath, Sharpness, Rage, Out∣rage, Pett, Choler, Gall, fume, storm, fret, pelt, chafe, vex, take on, inflame, kindle, irritate, inrage, exasperate, in∣cense, provoke, move, sullen, hasty, furious, outragious, mad, look big, placable, appease, stomack, Animosity, heart-burning, irascible, rough, hot, curst, snappish, snarle, snuffle.
  • REVENGE, avenge, Vengeance, vindictive, wreak.
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  • en/fancy.txt
  • 2023/05/22 12:46
  • brahmantra