

I. CONTAINED HOMOGENEOUS PARTS are such kind of fluid Bodies as are distinguishable by their various Consistences and Uses,* and not by any difference of Shape or Figure; because, being liquid, they have no Shape of their own, but must be contained termino alieno. They are either more

Thin and Aerial.

  • SPIRIT-uous.
  • Breath
  • Exit from other organs
  • Purgation
    • Vaporous and windy; from the
      • Head.
        • SNEEZING, neeze, Sternutation.
      • Stomach upwards, or Guts downwards.
        • BELCHING, parbreak, breaking wind upwards.
        • FARTING, breaking wind downwards, Scape.
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  • en/human/body_gases.txt
  • 2024/08/11 16:49
  • brahmantra