

  • Serous and watry; from the
    • Whole habit of the body.
      • SWEATING, Exudation, diaphoretic, sudorific, all in a water.
      • TRANSPIRATION, breathing, Evaporation, Effluvium, Perspiration.
    • Head.
      • SPITTING, Salivate•ion, Spittle, bespit, spawl, bespawl, slaver, drivel, Flux.
      • BLOWING THE NOSE, mucous, Snivel, Snot.
    • Lungs and Chest.
      • COUGHING.
      • EXCREATION, haking, hemming.
    • Greater or lesser Veins.
      • BLEEDING, opening a Vein, Phlebotomy, let bloud, draw blood, Lancet.
      • SCARIFYING, lance.
    • Skin.
      • BLISTERING, Vesication, caustic.
      • CUPPING.
    • Bladder.
      • URINING, piss, make water, hold ones water, stale, diuretic, Diabetes, Dysury.
  • Consistent and gross parts; from the ‖ Stomach upwards, or the Guts downwards.
    • VOMITING, spewing, casting, disgorging, puke, regurgitate, retching.
    • DUNGING, purging by siege, going to stool, scour, Draught, Lask, laxative, Loosness, muting, soluble, solutive, Muck, Ordure, Siege, Stool, Sir-reverence, excrement, easment, ease the belly, Iakes, Privy, House of office..
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  • en/human/body_fluid_functions.txt
  • 2024/08/11 17:59
  • brahmantra