

CIRCLES by which it is divided. VI.

VI. Besides those General parts into which the World may be divided,* there is likewise consideration to be had of those Imaginary CIRCLES by which men have agreed to divide both the Celestial and Terrestrial Globe, for the better explaining of the Distances and Motions of the Starrs, and the several Climates of the Earth; to which may be adjoyned for Affinity the Notion of ORBE, Sphere.

These Circles are either

Greater, dividing the Sphere into two equal parts;


Indeterminately; namely that which separates the upper and visible part of the Globe, from that which by reason of its being below us, we cannot see, terminating our vision.

  • HORIZON-tall.

Determinately; as to

  • Northern and Southern parts; whether
    • Directly; wherein the Sun makes every-where equal day and night:
      • AEQUATOR, Aequinoctial, the Line.
    • Obliquely, namely, that Line wherein the Sun is supposed constant∣ly to move in its Annual course: to which may be adjoyned that Circular superficies, on each side of this, which terminates the motion of the Planets;
      • ECLIPTIC.
      • ZODIAC.
  • Eastern and Western parts; wherein the Sun makes mid-day or mid-night: to which those other Circles correspond which pass through the Poles of the Horizon, as the former do through the Poles of the World;
    • MERIDIAN, Colure.
    • AZIMUTH.

Lesser, dividing the Sphere into two unequal parts; whether

  • Polar described by the supposed motion of the Poles of the Ecliptic; ‖ ei∣ther Northern or Southern.
    • ARTIC.
  • Tropic, terminating the motion of the Sun in its greatest Declination; ‖ Northern, or Southern.
    • TROPIC of ♋ Summer Solstice.
    • TROPIC of ♑ Winter Solstice.
  • Parallels, relating ‖ either to the Aequator, or to the Horizon.
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