
III. By EARTH, Land, World,* is meant the habitable parts of this Globe; to which may be adjoyned the more general name of the Greater parts of the Earth, denoted by the word COUNTRY, Region, Land, Tract, Quarter, Coast.

The most considerable Notions belonging to Discourse, which refer to this, may be distinguished with respect to its

Figure, whether equal or unequal, Convex or Concave.

  • PLAIN, Champion, Level, Flat, Even.
    • MOVNTAIN, Hill, Ascent, Rising, Vpland, Downs, Knoll.
    • VALLEY, Vale, Dale, Bottom.

On all sides, whether

  • Great, ‖ more great, or less great.
    • CONTINENT, Firm-land, Main-land.
    • ISLAND, Isle, Insular.
  • Less, ‖ whether roundish and high, or oblong.
    • ROCK, Cragg.
    • CLIFF.

On three sides,

On three sides, which, according to a higher or lower situation, as it is conspicuous ‖ more or less, is called

  • PROMONTORY, Cape, Fore-land, Head-land, Point,

On two sides, conspicuous, ‖ more or less.

On two sides, conspicuous, ‖ more or less.

  • ISTHMUS, Streight, Neck of land.
  • BANK, Shelf, Flat, Ridge, Shallow, Shole,

On one side

On one side, either according to the more general name, or that parti∣cular kind which is sometimes covered with Sea.

  • SHORE, Strand, Sea-coast, Bank-side.
  • WASHES, Sands.
  • QUICKSANDS, Drift, Syrtis.
  • OAZ.
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  • en/land.txt
  • 2024/07/22 09:06
  • brahmantra