
IV. The things which in Iustice or Equity▪ do belong to persons,* are called RIGHTS, Title, Interest, Estate, Tenure▪ Holding, Freehold, Gift, Col∣lation, Reversion, Landlord, Paramount, endow, enfeoff. To which may be adjoyned the word LIBERTIES, denoting whatsoever is permitted, or not forbidden to them.

These are considerable according to their

  • Original; being either
  • Primary and unwritten.
  • Not voluntary; but according to ‖ the condition of its first being: or common practice and continuance.
  • CUSTOM, accustom, Vse, Wont, Guise, Fashion, Rite, Vsage, usual, currant, common, ordinary, ure, enure, Habit, Practice, Haunt, pre∣scribe, unusual, obsolete, familiar, received, conversant, Habit, manner, course, Hank, Exercise, Prescription, Desuetude.
  • Voluntary; according to the ‖ choice of the Will: or a determined order.
  • ELECTION, Choice.
  • SUCCESSION, devolve, follow, Place.
  • Secondary and written.
  • General; whether ‖ perpetual: or temporal.
  • LAW, Act, Statute, Decree, Sanction, Constitution, Canon, Rule, legal, legitimate, enact, ordain, order, abrogate, repeal, prescribe, Legislator.
  • EDICT, Ordinance, Proclamation, Order, Breve, Bull, Act, Rule, Sanction, Rescript.
  • Special; conferring ‖ Right to have: or Right to do.
  • PATENT, Charter, Brief, Letters Patents, Placard.
  • COMMISSION, Brief.
  • parts; consisting in▪
  • Power over that which is
  • One's own; either ‖ totally: or as to the use of it.
  • PROPRIETY, Concern, Owner, Proprietary.
  • Another's; either as to ‖ his person: or his affairs.
  • AUTHORITY, Power, Dominion, Prefect, President, Head, Pro∣vost, Master, Plenipotentiary, authentic, classic, govern, ratifie, Rule, sway, inspection, dispose, Precinct, Territory.
  • OFFICE, Place, Cure, overlook, officiate, superintend, surveigh, oversight, charge, conduct, Commissary, Prefect, Collegue, Groom.
  • Liberty; with respect to
  • Advantages by special Law; either ‖ of the supreme Magistrate: or of some particular rank of Subjects.
  • PREROGATIVE, Royalty.
  • PRIVILEGE, Franchise, enfranchise, freedom, Grace, preeminence.
  • Remission or exemption from the rigour of a general Law, in its ‖
  • Commanding: or prohibiting.
  • LICENCE, Permission, Sufferance, Leave, allowance, Faculty, Connivence, Placard, Prattick, let, may, suffer, admit, dispence, Pass-port, Safe conduct, Letters of Mart.
  • Punishing: or imposing burthens.
  • TOLERATION, Connivence, suffer, let alone, Quarter.
  • IMMUNITY, free, Discharge, Exemption, Quarter, scot-free.
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