
V. The mutual negotiating betwixt men in their ordinary converse with one another is styled CONTRACT,*Commerce, Entercourse, Traffic, Trade, Negotiation: to which may be annexed for affinity the most general occasion for such Intercourse, namely, the parting with one thing for the getting of ano∣ther, called EXCHANGE, barter, chaffer, cope, swap, truck, chop, Commutation, Scoursing, Bargain, Match.

The principal matters belonging to this Head do either refer to

  • Actions;
  • General; whether
  • Absolute; transferring a thing from one to another; whether ‖ for his use to whom it is transferred: or for his use that transfers.
  • ASSIGNING, consigning, conveying, resigning, deliver, put over.
  • DEPOSITING, Trustee, Feoffee, enfeoff, charge, commend, recommend, entrust, commit, Fiduciary, Sequestration.
  • Conditional▪ ‖ giving: or having right to an Estate after the death of him who disposeth of it.
  • BEQUEATHING, devising, Legacy, Testament, Will, Executor, Intestate.
  • INHERITING, Heir, hereditary, Heritage, Patrimony, Fee-simple, En∣tail, disherit, Hereditament, Portion, Primogeniture.
  • Special; either by
  • Parting with: or procuring propriety in any thing, upon the consideration for something else to be taken or given in exchange.
  • SELLING, vent, utter, Ware, Commodity, Sale-able, venal, vendible, sta∣ple, put off, retail, afford, handsel, monopoly, make mony of, serve one with.
  • BUYING, purchase, Cater, Chapman, Customer, engrossing, ransom, re∣deem, regrate, forestal, interlope, preemption, the refusing.
  • Parting with: or procuring the temporary use of something belonging to another; according to
  • The more general name.
  • LENDING, Loan, Creditor, prostitute, trust.
  • BORROWING, take up.
  • The particular kind▪ relating to some temporary reward to be ‖ taken, and given.
  • DEMISING, let, let out, let to farm, lease, Lessor, Landlord, Broker, Rent, Principal, Interest, put to use.
  • HIRING, farming, backney, mercenary, prostitute, Tenant, Lessee, Lease, Rent, Interest, Vse, at livery, Gratis.
  • Bestowing skill or labour about any business: or compensating of it.
  • EARNING, Merit, Desert, Meed, Demerit, supererogate.
  • WAGES, Fee, Salary, Pension, Stipend, Vails, fare, freight, gratis.
  • Things; whether more
  • Private; to be exhibited by the
  • Buyer; either ‖ the whole value: or a part of it, for assurance of the rest.
  • PRICE, Rate, Value, Worth, Ransom, stand in, cost, cheap, dear, preci∣ous, sumptuous, rich, inhaunce, depreciate.
  • EARNEST, Gage, Pledge.
  • Seller; either ‖ the thing bought: or some part, for security of the whole.
  • BARGAIN, Ware, Commodity.
  • SEISIN, Livery, install, admit, Entry, inthrone, inaugurate, invest.
  • Public; towards defraying the charge of Government; whether ‖ ordinary: or occasional.
  • TRIBUTE, Custom; Annates, Gabel, Excise, Toll, Impost, Publicane.
  • TAX, Rate, Contribution, Collection, assess, Publicane, Subsidy, Tun∣nage, pontage, pannage, Pole, Collector, Scot, Sesment.
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