
  • Obstructed by some crass phlegmatic matter adhering to the sides of the Pipes, from whence follows
    • Too frequent Respiration.
      • SHORTNESS OF BREATH, Anhelatio, Panting, Pursiness. सांस ना ले पाना , दम फूलना , होंठ सिकुड़ना
    • Difficulty of Breathing, according to ‖ a lesser, or greater degree: by the latter of which men cannot fetch their breath, unless in an upright posture.
      • ASTHMA, Tissick, broken-winded, wheeze.सीटी सांस , भंग सांस , फटफटी सांस , बंद सांस , उदासी सांस , क्रोधित सांस , कमजोर सांस
  • Vlcerated, and by degrees putrefying; from whence sometimes doth proceed much purulent matter to fill up the cavity of the Thorax.
    • CONSUMPTION, Phthisis.
    • EMPYEMA.

Heart; by some noxious vapours or humours, which do either

  • Provoke to too frequent and vehement motion for the freeing it self from them.
  • Hinder the motion of it; according to ‖ a lesser: or greater degree.
    • FAINTING, Failing, languish, Qualm.
    • SWOUNING, Swound, Leipothymia.

Side; from some Inflammation within the Membranes covering the in∣side of the Ribs, causing difficulty of breathing, and provocation to coughing, upon which great pain follows, accompanied with a Fever.


Diseases belonging to the LOWER BELLY or Bowels, may be distinguished into such as do concern the

  • Stomach; by sharp humors corroding the mouth of it, causing sometimes Fainting and cold Sweats.
    • CARDIALGIA, Heart-burning.

Liver and Gall; being caused by some impotence in them for the doing of their Functions, in not digesting & distributing the humors belong∣ing to them; causing either ‖ Paleness of colour, Faintness, Indisposition to stir: or Yellowness and Swarthiness of colour, accompanied with faintness and nauseousness.

  • GREEN-SICKNESS, Cachexie.
  • JAUNDISE, Yellow-jaundise, Black-jaundise.

Stomach and Liver, and other Bowels jointly; which, being defective in the works of Concoction and Distribution, do occasion a superfluity of serous matter distending the skin of the belly and other parts of the body, accompanied with some wind: and sometimes a windy vapour, accompanied with some watery humors, stretching the belly.

  • DROPSY, hydropical.

Spleen; by its dispersing sour and feculent humors: or noxious vapors, into other parts of the body; the former of which is usually accompanied with faintness, weariness, loosness of teeth, spots on the body, and spe∣cially on the legs.

  • SCURVY, Scorbute.

Guts; ‖ from some sharp humor that corrodes, or vapor that distends the Co∣lon: or from some hardned excrement, or some other like matter, stopping the Ilia or smaller Guts.

  • COLIC, Belly-ach.
  • Stool; either as to the excess of this: or the voiding of bloud.
    • DIARRHAEA, Lax, Looseness, Flux. अतिसार , दस्त , fecal incontinence , मल असंयम
    • DISENTERY, Bloody-flix. पेचिश ,
  • Vrine; either by some stony concretion in the Kidneys or Bladder: or a continual involuntary urining by drops.
    • STONE. अश्मरी , गुर्दे में पत्थर

Lower part of the belly or Scrotum; ‖ by a breach of the internal Mem∣branes, or too much distention of it, or by superfluity of waterish or windy matter: or in the Veins about the Fundament.

  • RUPTURE, Hernia, Burst, Broken-belly. अंडकोष उतरना , नाभि भरण , उदर विच्छेदन
  • HAEMORROIDS, Piles. बवासीर , अर्श

Mother or Womb; by ‖ causing convulsive motions: or stopping of the Breath.

  • SUFFOCATION. घुटन , श्वासवरोध
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