
This translation is older than the original page and might be outdated. See what has changed.
    • Skin ( त्वचा )
    • Superficial fascia ( ऊपरी प्रवरण )
      • Contents ( अंतर्वस्तु )
        • Cutaneous nerves
          • derived from cervical plexus
            • supraclavicular nerves
              • medial , lateral and intermediate
                • supply the skin over upper half of deltoid
          • intercostal nerves ( अंतरापर्शुका )
            • anterior and lateral cutaneous branches
              • supply skin below level of second rib
            • intercostobranchial nerve of T2 supplies
              • skin of floor of axilla
              • upper half of medial side of arm
        • cutaneous vessels ( त्वचा वाहिका )
          • perforating branches of internal thoracic artery
          • lateral cutaneous nerves are accompanied
            • lateral cutaneous branches of posterior intercostal arteries
        • platysma
          • supplied by a branch of facial nerve
    • Above pectoralis major muscle
      • Deep pectoral fascia
        • covers pectoralis major muscle
    • Below pectoralis major muscle
      • Clavipectoral fascia
      • extent
        • clavicle to axillary fascia below
        • upper part splits ( ऊपर का भाग )
          • to enclose subclavius muscle
        • posterior lamina
          • fused to investing layer of deep cervical fascia
        • inferiorly splits to enclose pectoralis minor muscle
      • pierced by
        • lateral pectoral nerve ( पार्श्व वक्षच्छद तंत्रिका )
        • cephalic vein
        • thoracoacromial artery
        • lymphatics passing from breast and pectoral region to apical group of axillary lymph nodes
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  • hi/thorax.txt
  • 2023/06/21 09:56
  • brahmantra