


  • extent of base
    • vertically from 2nd to 6 th ribs
    • horizontally from lateral border of sternum to midaxillary line
  • structure of breast
    • skin
      • conical projection called nipple
        • pierced by lactiferous ducts
        • contains circular and longitudinal smooth muscle
        • few modified sweat and sebaceous gland
        • rich in nerve supply
      • skin surrounding base of nipple
        • called as areola
        • rich in sebaceous glands
        • become enlarged during pregnancy and lactation to form
          • tubercles of montgomery
        • devoid of hair
    • parenchyma called as mammary gland
      • it is a compound tubuloalveolar gland
        • secretes milk
      • lies in superficial fascia with no capsule
      • modified sweat gland
      • each lobe is a cluster of alveoli
        • drained by lactiferous duct
    • stroma
      • forms supporting framework of gland
        • partly fibrous and partly fatty
      • fibrous stroma forms septa
        • suspensory ligaments of cooper
  • nerve supply
    • 4 to 6 th intercostal nerve branches
      • anterior and lateral cutaneous branches
    • secretion is controlled by hormone prolactin
      • secreted by pars anterior of hypophysis cerebri
  • development of breast
    • ectodermal ridge called
      • mammary ridge
  • situation
    • divided in to 4 quadrants
    • upper medial
    • upper lateral
      • extension called as
        • axillary tail of spence
          • passes through
            • foramen of langer
    • lower medial
    • lower lateral
  • deep relations
    • breast lies of deep fascia covering pectoralis major
    • deeper there are 3 muscles
      • pectoralis major
      • serratus anterior
      • external oblique
    • retromammary space
      • loose areolar tissue between
        • pectoral fascia and breast
  • blood supply
    • branches of axillary artery
      • superior thoracic
      • lateral thoracic artery
      • acromiothoracic
    • branch of subclavian artery
      • internal thoracic artery
    • lateral branches of posterior intercostal artery
  • lymphatic drainage
    • lymph nodes
    • lymphatic vessels
  • histology of breast
    • resting phase
    • lactating phase

breast-extent.jpg breast-anatomy.jpg breast-attachments.jpg breast-blood-supply.jpg breast-deeprelations.jpg breast-lymph_route.jpg breast-lymphdrain.jpg

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  • en/breast.txt
  • 2023/06/14 09:57
  • brahmantra