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  • Tissue Containing
    • Containing bundles of Strong collagen fibers with fibroblasts
      • densely present
        • Regular arranged
        • Irregular arranged
      • Fibers Arranged to form a network
        • Reticular tissue
          • Forms soft skeleton and capsule of organs
  • More hard Consistence;
    • For strengthning of the Fabric; ‖ either the most hard and dry: or less hard; both devoid of Sense . containing cells to give support
      • हड्डी , अस्थि BONE,
      • खोपड़ी , भगाल , करोट , कपाल Skull ,
      • कंकाल , Skeletal system ,
        • बाह्यकंकाल , exoskeleton ,
        • अंतःकंकाल , endoskeleton
          • Long Bones
          • Short Bones
          • Flat Bones
          • Irregular Bones
          • Pneumatic Bones
          • Sesamoid Bones
      • उपास्थि , GRISTLE, Cartilage.
        • Elastic Cartilage
        • Hyaline Cartilage
        • Fibrous Cartilage
    • For uniting of the Bones and Muscles; ‖ either oblong: or the extremity of the Muscle affixed to the part which is to be moved.
    • स्नायू , LIGAMENT.
    • कण्डरा , TENDON.
  • More soft Consistence; being either
    • Thin and broad
      • बाह्य स्थित (external)
        • चमड़ी , चर्म , त्वचा , खाल Cuticle, Fell, Hide, Pelt, Slough, flay, excoriate, gall.
      • अन्तः स्थित (internal)
        • उपकला (epithelium)
          • झिल्ली, Film, Pannicle, Tunicle
            • परिहृद , परिउदर , परिकपाल
        • संयोजी ऊतक ( connective )
          • तानिका , प्रावरण , deep Fascia , tegument , capsular coverings , serosa , adventitia
          • Septum , interventricular septum , median septum , interatrial septum
        • Loosely present
          • Areolar connective tissue
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  • hi/supportive_connective_tissue.txt
  • 2024/07/25 08:31
  • brahmantra