In Hindi, those words that tell us the method of the action are known as Adverb of Manner.

जैसे (For example) :-

  1. वे हमारी कहानी ध्यानपूर्वक सुन रहे थे। Veh hamari kahani dhayanpurvak sun rahe the. (They were listening to our story carefully.)
  2. माँ ने पुत्री को भली भाँति समझा दिया था। Maa ne putri ko bhalibhati samjha diya tha. (Mother made her daughter clearly understood.)

The underlined words, ध्यानपूर्वक (carefully) and भली भाँति (clearly) are adverb of manner as they tell us the manner of action. Similarly, धीरे- धीरे (slowly), सहसा (suddenly), सच (truth), तेज (fast), जैसे (like), वैसे (like wise) are also adverb of manner.

In Hindi, रीतिवाचक क्रिया विषेशण (Adverb of manner) is divided into 9 types, according to what they tell about manner of action :

  1. विधि वाचक (Method) – धीरे-धीरे (slowly), हाथों हाथ (on hand), सुखपूर्वक (happily), शीघ्र (urgently)।
  2. निष्चयवाचक (Decisiveness) – जरूर (sure), नि: सन्देह (without doubt) ।
  3. अनिष्चयवाचक (Indecisiveness) – अक्सर (occasionly), कदाचित (never), शायद (maybe), संभवत: (possibly) ।
  4. हेतु वाचक (Purpose) – अतएव (atlast), इसलिए (therefore), किस लिए (for what), क्यों (why) ।
  5. निशेधवाचक (Prohibtion) – नहीं (no), मत (don’t) , न (don’t/no), कभी नहीं (never) ।
  6. प्रष्न वाचक (Interrogative) – कैसे (how), क्यों (why) ।
  7. स्वीकृतिवाचक (Permission) – हाँ (yes), जी (yes), सच (truth), बिल्कुल (sure), ठीक (right)।
  8. अवधारण वाचक (Concept) – भर (full), तक (upto, by), मात्र (only) ।
  9. आकस्मिकतावाचक (Suddenness) – अचानक , एकाएक , अकस्मात, सहसा (at sudden)।
MANTRAKSHAR  ढंग का क्रिया विशेषण
 अकेला केवल
 बिल्कुल पूर्णतया
लगभग प्रायः
चौकसी से ,यत्न से  यन्तपूर्वकम , सावधानी से
तेज क्षिप्र
 मुश्किल से कठिनाई से
दिलकश सुंदर
 काफी , पूरी तरह  सर्वथा 
वास्तव में
 धीरे से , धीरे धीरे  मंदम , मन्दं मन्दम 
 एक साथ सह
 बहुत अतीव
 अच्छी तरह से भली भांती
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  • hi/flowing_manner_symbols.txt
  • 2024/07/21 14:16
  • brahmantra